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Phonetics(음성학) & Phonology(음운론) - Syllables(1)

by 늦깎이 학생 2022. 11. 14.

Syllables - phonological unit composed of one or more phonemes and suprasegmental unit


1. phonotactic constraints - restrictions between syllabic elements are either within onset or rhyme

- syllable structurelexical gap(possible, nonsense)을 통해 new formpossible or impossible 인지 판단

ex) [blIt] - possible onset cluster, accidental gap / ex) *[bmIt] - impossible onset cluster, systematic gap

but [bm] sequence is possible in the words such as submarine or submission because two sounds belongs to the different syllables. So the rejection of a word such as [bm] is strictly based on a syllable-related generalization

+ it is only valid in the onset that a stop cannot be followed by a nasal - ex) bat.man,

+ as for coda, homorganicity between nasal and stop is needed - ex) pump.kin

+ it is only valid in the rhyme that two obstruents should have the same voice - ex) lapse, tax

+ English syllable phonotactics - possible sequences of sounds in English


possible combination - (C) (C) (C) V (C) (C) (C) {C - suffix} / 음성과 관련이 없고 음소, syllable과 관련

ex) [tpikel](reduced vowel deletion, phonological rule, 음성과 관련) - phonotactics(음소와 관련)에선 불가능

cf) phonological constraints - onset에 못 오는 음소 - ʒ, ŋ coda에 못 오는 음소 - h, ʒ(affrication이 됨)


2. the existence of rhyme as a constituent

- dependencies between nuclei and codas (nucleuscoda가 서로에게 영향)

ex) the coda that follows /aʊ/ has to be alveolar or interdental (coronal) (e.g. mouth, south): this nucleus cannot be followed by labial or velar (dorsal)


3. sonority sequencing principle - one theory of the number of syllables draws on(의존) sonority peak

The sonority of a sound is its loudness relative to that of other sounds with same length, stress, pitch

+ when there is no vowel, the most sonorant consonant will be the syllable peak, which supports the notion of syllabic consonants, and the near sounds should be less sonorous, decreasing sonority values


cf) syllabic(물론 이건 vowel로 친다) - 둘 다 2음절


cf2) /s/ + stop cluster






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Phonetics(음성학) & Phonology(음운론) - Syllables(1)