warning from authorities that this bacteria can actually travel through the air up to seven miles. - 지금 이런 소식이 들린다.
Tonight, he has that(이거 커버하고요), and those two cases we’re following in two other states.
It’s gonna be quite a task – 힘든 일이다
This as we learn two other people in Michigan and Ohio died of Legionnaires’ disease.
~할 때 이런 상황이 벌어지고 있다.
But they are confident the number of incidents is now winding down – 서서히 줄고 있다.
We’re few miles from LA / 제천 is about 100km east of 대전 – away는 잘 안 씀
You are telling me that ~~~??
CDC 질병통제관리센터
How much is really a rise in the disease? / We saw a steep rise in commodity prices.
Bigger competitors with deeper pockets(많은 돈을 들이다) are already actively staking territories in the metaverse, and striking gold with their forays(시도)
, more than the US$3,400 that the bag costs in real life, or IRL in metaverse lingo(언어)
, in the midst of an antitrust(독점금지) and cybersecurity clampdown(기습 단속) on technology companies,
jumping on the bandwagon(시류에 편승하다) / hefty(장대한, 크고 무거운)
, which has reaped a marketing bonanza(마케팅으로 큰돈을 벌다) with its sponsorship of the Olympics,
A direct link with consumers gives companies an option to sidestep(회피하다) the minefield(지뢰밭) of publicity(홍보) backlash(변화에 대한 반발) whenever brand envoys(사절, 특사) are caught in personal indiscretions(무분별한 행동) or political scandals.
The journey of consumer brands’ rush into the metaverse may be strewn with(뒤덮히다) landmines.
The buzz(웅성거림) of the metaverse was magnified when the eponymous(작품명과 동일한 이름의) operator of the Facebook social network renamed itself Meta, trading under the mnemonic(연상기호) MVRS on December 1
It takes a big outbreak like this(~를 필요로 한다) to cause(야기하는데) a lot of people to reexamine how we prevent this information
It doesn’t take a doctor(~를 필요로 하지 않는다) to know(아는데) the best prevention is washing your hands
You won’t have to pay more than $250 a month for covered medications(보험 되는 약)
A new medical review of woman over 50 finds taking daily calcium supplements does little to strengthen(~하는데 도움이 안 된다) bones and might even be harmful.
And you say this pertains to(관련되다) men as well
Lifting weights gets you up on your feet(활동적으로 움직이게 하다)
Weigh in(의견을 개진하다) / feel for lumps(덩어리를 느끼다) / bottom line(제일 중요한 것)
The new guidelines are based on increasing evidence that mammography(유방암 검사 / biopsy – 생체검사) often produces false positives(가짜 양성) in younger women,(동격의 ,) results that lead to additional testing and surgery, often unnecessary.
OB-GYN – obestrics and gynecology(산부인과) / crunch the numbers(계산하다)
The reason for the delay back from 40 to 45 is because they found that in women 40 to 44, in terms of saving lives, may do more harm than good in some women.
It’s a bit of a comfort to hear that / But the bad news is that / What I wanna say is that
There were many women in the newsroom today who were scratching their heads, saying this is a major change.
We get text messages telling us the flight’s delayed
22 people fell ill(아파서 쓰러지다), raising fears of an E. coli(식중독균) outbreak.
Would-be patrons(예비 단골들) greeted with this message on the door.
He was greeted with jeers(야유) from a crowd of protesters when he stepped out of the car.
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