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영어 말하기 & 쓰기를 위한 표현 모음(5)

by 늦깎이 학생 2022. 12. 8.

without hurting the bit of their autonomy that matters(중요한)


*One is to follow the British model, in which the government sets an inflation target for the central bank to follow(~~할 인플레이션 목표치)


real interest rates(실질 금리 물가 상승률을 반영한 금리)


, meaning that inflation below the target is as undesirable as that(inflation) above it


Otherwise, rate-setters who favor lower inflation have licence to(~할 자격이 있다) indulge(하고 싶은 대로 하다) their preference


a bunch of / a whole lot more than / stinky poos / hover(자신감 없이 맴돌다)


I guess if I do that, it just proves I didn’t learn anything from last year


I don’t know what is up with girls these days.


And kids like Ronnie McCoy are scratching their heads wondering what the heck happened.


But kids like Bryce have only come around in the last couple of years


Bryce is the most popular kid in our grade, so that leaves all the rest of us guys scrambling for the other spots


I’m somewhere around 52nd or 53rd most popular this year.


The first thing I did when I got outside was sneak off(몰래 빠져나가다) to the basketball court to see if the cheese was still there. And sure enough, it was.


blacktop(농구코트 초록색) / moldy and nasty(곰팡내 나고 더러운) / the cooties(좀비 병??)


My summer didn’t exactly get off to a great start.


I slept through the whole summer, but that luckily I woke up just in time for the school day.


You might think I was pretty dumb for falling for that one.


He set my alarm clock ahead to make it look like it was the morning.


I just got dressed and went downstairs to make myself some breakfast


I guess I must have made a pretty big racket(소음) because


It took me a minute to figure out what the heck is going on


Rodrick had played a trick on me, and he was the one that should be getting yelled at.


Dad walked down to the basement to chew Rodrick out, and I tagged along


I’m sure Dad thinks I’ve got a screw loose or something.


They don’t come right out and tell you if you’re in the gifted group or easy group


Mom is always saying I’m a smart kid, but that I just don’t “apply” myself.


Bink says Boo 바보라는 소리 같음


He is not real considerate of the fact that I’m trying to enjoy my Saturday like a normal day


I didn’t have anything to do today so I just headed up to Rowley’s house


Rowley is technically my best friend, but that is definitely subject to change


No matter how many noogies(장난스럽게 머리를 침) I give him, he always forgets the next time.


He came to my house trying all these dumb gimmicks(관심을 끌기 위한 술책)


Thermos(there must) be some way to tickle your funny bone(누군가를 웃기다).


And I decided to take him under my wing(누구를 내 편으로 만들다)


I get to use all the tricks Rodrick Pulls On Me(play a trick on me).


I could never get away with pulling any of that stuff on me


But the thing that bugs(괴롭히다) me the most about Manny is the nickname he has for me




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영어 말하기 & 쓰기를 위한 표현 모음(5)