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영어교육론 - Teaching Grammar

by 늦깎이 학생 2022. 11. 30.

Teaching grammar - lesson aim(objective)target structure에 관한 이야기(학습)가 꼭 포함되어야 한다.


* form-focused instruction - any planned or incidental instructional activity that is intended to induce learners to pay attention to linguistic form and pronunciation, which includes focus on form(it deliberately draws S's attention to linguistic forms within the meaningful context), focus on forms(formal instruction), error correction, and negotiation of form. And this helps to change input into students' conscious intake.


+ the form of language include the organizational components of language(discourse rules) and the systematic rules that govern their structure: phonological, grammatical, lexical forms.


+ form and meaning association(mapping) of the target features(how the meaning is encoded linguistically) - using actions, realia and pictures, input processing, and practice in the usage events(사용하는 상황)


1. pre-emptive - deals with what is expected to be a problem in advance, though no actual error has occurred

processing instruction(implicit instruction) - As L2 learners have difficulty in attending to form and meaning at the same time(limitations of working memory), and they tend to give priority to meaning and tend not to notice details of form,

input is modified and manipulated in order to promote noticing of the target form,

grammar instruction intervention occurs at the input stage(input을 이해하는 과정에서부터 form에 초점

- Ss notice and acquire the target form as they just try to comprehend the text),

target form을 발화하지 않고도, negotiation of form 일어나지 않고도, explicit knowledge를 뽑아내지 않고도 target form을 습득!!!


input processing - structured input(input that is manipulated in particular ways to push Ss to become dependent on form to determine meaning)을 통해, 학생들은 process the form while attending only to meaning - Ss make connections between form and meaning and see how grammar assists in the meaning delivery

input enhancement - explicit attention(highlight, boldface)을 통해 consciousness-raising(noticing)이 일어난다.

input flooding - meaningful context 속에서 target form이 두드러져 보일 정도로 반복한다.

+ obstrusiveness - input flooding < input enhancement < input processing



explicit instruction - descriptive understanding of explicit knowledge(rule, form을 언제 왜 사용)

explanation of language rules and attend to particular structure을 통해 inter-language에 바로 습득(intake)시킴

direct(deductive, rule-driven) - T meta-linguistic descriptions을 통해 explain, Ss apply explicit knowledge(rule)

+ , metalinguistic term(metalanguage)을 사용했더라도 target form rule을 학생이 찾아내면 inductive.


indirect(inductive, data-driven) - meaning-focused data(input)를 통해 look for(write) explicit knowledge(rule)

Ss are provided with data illustrating the target feature - required to describe the grammatical structure in question{negotiation of form) - discover the target rule - ex) Consciousness-Raising task(CR task)

notice에 머물지 않고 understand를 유도하지만, ‘form을 사용한 production’(automatize, proceduralize, use the form, negotiation of meaning)이 아닌 ‘form에 대한 production’(verbalize, articulate, negotiation of form)


abduction - learners come to understand hidden rules of language use through the process of inferences. The step: input enhancement - information gap을 통해 production - find the grammatical features - report



production practice - 특정 form(pre-selected)을 사용하도록 요구 - to develop procedural knowledge(+자동화)

ex) dictogloss - a collaborative task(negotiation of meaning) to reconstruct a text accurately(notice the gap)


+ garden path - elicit error through overgeneralization(triggered by partial explanation, notice the gap, inductive) - correction(deductive) - the most obtrusive and explicit method(technique)


+ consciousness-raising approach - students become aware of(attend) language features(target forms) - notice

input enhancement, input processing, inductive instruction, notice the gap in pushed output



2. reactive - provide corrective feedback to learner's erroneous utterance

- negative feedback (implicit - recast, clarification request / explicit - explicit correction, meta-linguistic feedback)

+ principles : maintain communicative flow, maximize self-correction, consider affective climate sensitively




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영어교육론 - Teaching Grammar