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영어교육론 - Teaching Vocabulary & Technology

by 늦깎이 학생 2022. 12. 1.

Teaching Vocabulary & Technology


1. word knowledge

knowledge of frequency(low - spend less time on it and draw attention on word-part knowledge, which is more frequent / high - spend much time on it and draw attention on collocation or word family)


paradigmatic relation(how a word is defined in relation to the same category words - synonyms and antonyms)

syntagmatic relation(collocation)

word family(base word and its closely related inflected and derived forms)

word-part knowledge(prefix, suffixes and roots)

part of speech(품사)

+ active voca - able to retrieve(능동적으로 꺼낼 수 있음) / passive voca - only to recall(읽을 때만 뜻이 떠오름)


2. incidental learning(high-level students) / intentional learning(low-level students)

incidental learning - process vocabulary learning while focusing on elsewhere such as understanding a meaningful text or using language for communicative purpose - text를 이해하는 수업 중간에 단어의 의미를 공부

+ guessing(inferencing) strategies (+ inference clues : example, summary(restatement, information), experience)

vocabulary analysis - word part knowledge(prefixes, suffixes, and roots), part of speech(noun, verb...)

using semantic contexts or grammatical contexts such as conjunctions, punctuations, and reference words

semantic network - the associations of related words that come to mind when a certain word is thought of

+ semantic mapping(reading), word web(word association task) - come up with words related to the topic


intentional learning - draws Ss' overt attention on the declarative knowledge of vocabulary - 단어의미를 직접

mnemonic devices - keyword method(연상법), defining words, dictionary work, frequency of words


3. concordancer(concordance program) - a bottom-up study of text, data-driven, syntagmatic relation(paradigmatic relation) - software that searches for words of phrases in a corpus and displays the selected item or items in a list together with their surrounding context. (+ advantages : association between grammar and lexical units, fine-tuned word sense, collocations, and context)


4. multi-word units - collocation, lexical phrase, idiom

collocation - words that frequently occur next to each other in discourse(pattern grammar), lexis and grammar are closely related in forming collocation


lexical phrases - recurring patterns of language use, which became conventionalized through frequent use - lexical chunks, prefabricated patterns(phrases), gambits

+ Lexico-grammatical approach - grammatical structure is lexically bounded and vice versa. ex) contribute to cf) lexical approach - ex) go on a diet, be on a diet - 이 둘의 정확한 구분이 필요하다.


* computer-assisted language learning(CALL), computer-mediated communication(CMC)

constructivist(구성주의) approach of CALL - produce something by themselves, authentic material, context for interaction, communicative and cultural competence

ex) inquiry-based approach - 학생이 직접 web에서 정보를 찾아내고, discussion forum(web)을 통하여 interaction


behavioristic approach of CALL - drill, practice, feedback

* corpus program(corpus linguistics), concordance program(concordancer) - KWIC(key word in context) format

* blended learning - the combination of off-line and on-line learning, which integrates the advantages of both

* synchronous interaction(synchronous CMC) - chat / * computer adaptive test - 학습자 능력에 맞는 평가체계




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영어교육론 - Teaching Vocabulary & Technology