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영어교육론 - Assessment(1)

by 늦깎이 학생 2022. 12. 5.



* principles of assessment

1. practicality - the degree to which a text will be implemented within the means of financial limitations, time constraints and ease of administration, and scoring and interpretation


2. reliability - consistent and dependable results without errors

inter-rater reliability - whether the result of more than one scorers are consistent - lack of criteria

intra-rater reliability - whether the result of one scorer is consistent - lack of criteria, fatigue

internal-consistency reliability - homogeneity of the test items - high grouplow보다 facility가 높을 때

test administration reliability - whether test-takers have the consistent conditions


3. validity - assess what is supposed to be assessed

content validity - measure the contents and objectives of the course derived from a meticulous analysis. If a test requires the test-taker to perform the behavior that is being measured.(읽기가 어려워 듣기를 측정 못하면 x)

face validity - on the test-taker's perspective, measure what is supposed to be measured, and fairness

construct validity - measure the underlying traits that is considered as major components of the theoretical construct(an ability that T intents to measure). Defining construct is the most important thing, as insufficient sub-measurements result in making an error judgement when using the test results ex) for oral proficiency, T should measure pronunciation, fluency, grammatical accuracy, vocabulary use, and sociolinguistic appropriateness

criterion-related - a comparison of results of an assessment with those of some others of the same criterion

  ⑴ concurrent validity - comparison with the other existing tests or concurrent performance (at the same time)

  ⑵ predictive validity - predict whether the test taker will be successful or not (at different times) - 2017

consequential validity - all the consequences of a test, including social impact(intended or unintended)


4. authenticity - the task is likely to be enacted in the 'real-world'(natural language), contextualized items


5. washback - the effect of testing on teaching and learning, with diagnoses of strengths and weaknesses

informal assessment - interactive feedback formative assessment - information on Ss' progress to goals


6. interactiveness - the involvement of the test taker's individual characteristics in accomplishing a test task

ex) a test requires Ss to use language knowledge, metacognitive strategies, topical and affective schema

+ need analysis - assess students' learning style, interests, proficiency by survey or interview


* scoring(rating scoring)

analytic scoring - a method of scoring that separates different features of the test taker’s performance (on a writing or speaking task) and assigns separate scores to each feature(sub-grade)(function as specific feedback on diagnostic information) + weighted rubric(assign a different weights to each feature)


holistic scoring - a method of scoring where a single score is assigned to writing or speaking samples on the basis of an overall impressionistic assessment(through a systematic set of descriptors) of the test taker’s performance on a task. So it uses a variety of criteria or benchmarks to produce a single score(global grade)


+ scoring rubric(evaluation criteria) and benchmark / + quantitative scales - 수량적인 척도

scoring rubric - a set of scoring guidelines or criteria used in scoring or judging a test taker’s product, performance or response to a constructed-response item type of performance-based assessment

benchmark - samples of L2 learner performance to have a point of reference that can be used to compare the learner’s performance at a later point in time(수행수준을 세세하게 정해 놓은 것)





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영어교육론 - Assessment(1)