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English(영어) Contractions(축약형) List(모음집)

by 늦깎이 학생 2022. 3. 23.

Alotta - A lot of
Sorta - Sort of
Outta - Out of
Lotsa - Lots of
Mucha - Much of
Cuppa - Cup of
Dunno - I don't know
Lemme - Let me
Gimme - Give me
Tell’em - Tell them
Cos - (Be)cause
Innit? - Isn't it?
Imma - I'm going to
Gonna - Going to
Needa - Need to 
Oughta - Ought to
Hafta - Have to
Hasta - Has to
Usta - Used to
Supposta - Supposed to
Cmon - Come one
Ya - You
Gotta - Have got to / Have got a
Shoulda - Should have
Shouldna - Should not have
Wouldna - Would not have
Sheda - She would have
Coulda - Could have
Woulda - Would have
Mighta - Might have
Mightna - Might not have
Musta - Must have
Mussna - Must not have
Dontcha - Don't you
Woncha - Won't you
Whatcha - What are you
Betcha - Bet you 
Gotcha - Got you
D’you - Do you
Didntcha - Didn't you
S’more - Some more

Ain't - Am not / Is not / Are not / Was not / Were not




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English(영어) Contractions(축약형) List(모음집)