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영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Basic contents(2)

by 늦깎이 학생 2022. 5. 21.

5. complement/adjunct - a complement of head / an adjunct of single-bar projection

- complement and adjunct can't conjoin with each other.

- complement must be closer to the head than adjunct.

complement - a sister of a head

+ preposing이 가능 - [what branch of physics] are you a student of / 의문사 what과 연관 / 목적어 자리

접속사 that(사실의 의미를 이끈다.) - I thought [that(whether/if) Kate believed the story] - 목적어 자리

+ I am sure [that the man comes again], *[that the man comes again] is sure - adjective의 목적어 자리

동격의 that - her realization [that(whether) all is lost] - they realize [that~] - 동사의 목적어 자리

wanted [her brother to bake a cake] - verb's complement as a proposition - 동사의 목적어 자리

so eager [to work with you] - subject control - what are you so eager (to do)?, it is [to work ~] that

adjective + PP - certain that, proud to V, ambitious for, angry at, anxious about, bored with, different from, fond of, good in, relevant to, worried about, so on, ex) more [observant of this] than us

noun + PP - disillutionment with, ban on, application for, reply to, attack on, loss of, disgust of,

brain damage (damage a brain), fraud investigation(investigate a fraud), house builder(build a house)

exchange(n) of cotton with sugar, exchange(v) cotton with sugar, put him on the bed, treat him badly

verb + PP - [laugh at him], [work at the job], [listen to the music],

adjunct - a sister of a single-bar node(+ one substitution, do-so substitution),

+ postposing이 가능 - a student came to me {with long hair} / how, when, where와 연관 / 목적이 이외

that summer, {which was so sunny (restrictive, too)}

[that you came on time] is good, it(introductory, dummy) is good [that you came on time] - 주어 자리

+ to-infinitive adjective adjunct can become the subject of a sentence - ex) (to read the book) is easy

+ *it is good [whether/if you came one time] - adjectiveadjunctwhether/if가 이끄는 문장이 안 됨

+ John was so tired that he could not sleep well, John is good in that he never comes late

so(이건 quite와 함께 spec) [fond of coffee] {after dinner} - before dinner도 가능(free combination)

faster [than me](이건 complement) {by far}, I am fully recognized {by him}

observation {of students} - N of NP - 주격(students observe), 소유격(students')의 의미이면 adjunct

the river bridge(bridge on the river), the shipyard strike(strike at the shipyard, 조선소), tall owner(attributive adjective, owner is tall), cf) car ownercomplement이다(own car)

The book is easy to understand but expensive to buy - tough movement와 연관


6. Theta-theory

argument - the participants in a predicate - internal (inside VP) and external (subject) argument

predicate(술부) - what takes arguments(functional levelpredicate랑 다름) - ex) one place, two place

thematic relations - semantic properties of arguments derived from the relation between the argument and the predicate / cf) thematic roles - the thematic relations assigned to a particular arguments

agent - 행위자(행동하는 자)

theme - the entity affected by the action or state(영향을 받는 객체 - patient), (이야기하는 대상 - theme)

ex) the oldy lady smells like ~, the professor was reminded to write a book, Tom comes from Wales

experiencer - the living entity that experiences the psychological state (경험하는 자)

ex) that decision certainly pleases me

goal - destination of something (목적지)

source(recipient) - the location from which something moves (출발점)

proposition - the specification of a state of affairs (어떤 사건 그 자체, 보통 문장)

The theta criterion - every argument must have only one theta role(theta grid보다 많은 argument가 있으면 안 됨) and every theta role must be assigned to only one argument(적은 argument가 있으면 안 됨)

The extended projection principle(EPP) - every sentence must have a subject

Theta constraint 이후 expletive insertion rule(insert dummy 'it' in subject position) - EPP & no filter out




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영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Basic contents(2)