Segmental classification
+ phonological features(+ [ ]: feature matrix, ex) [+nasality] : 자음에서 distinctive, 모음에서 non-distinctive)
① distinctive feature (non-redundant, phonemic - 음소차원 - rule로 포착이 안 된다)
② redundant feature (predictable - 규칙으로 표현 가능, 환경의 영향을 받는다, phonetic - 음성차원)
1. English consonant - vocing, place of articulation, manner of articulation (순서가 중요)
⑴ vocing
⒜ voiced - vocal cords are brought together(vibration) - some obstruents, all sonorants and vowels
⒝ voiceless - vocal cords are apart(no vibration) - some obstruents
⑵ place of articulation
⒜ bilabial + labio-dental + /w/= labials, ⒡ glides(/w, j/) are [-consonantal] + 움직이는 음, semi-vowel
⒝ dental + alveolar + retroflex + palato-alveolar = coronal, ⒞ velar + /h/ = dorsal(혀의 뒷부분, velum)
⒟ anterior(palato-alveolar와 alveolar 사이) - alveolar까지, ⒠ posterior[-anterior] - palato-alveolar부터
⑶ manner of articulation
⒜ stop + affricate + fricative = obstruents[-sonorant], 유무성이 있다 / nasal + liquid + glide = sonorants
⒝ fricative(alveolar + palato-alveolar) + affricate = sibilants / liquid + glide = approximants
⒞ stop, affricate, nasal = [-continuant](air flow stops in production) / affricate는 특히 [+delayed release]
⒟ syllabic - nasal, liquid + vowels, ⒠ glide는 [-consonantal], [-syllabic], ⒡ /h/ is voiceless
2. English vowels - ① tongue height and ② part, ③ rounded, ④ tense/lax, ⑤ diph/monoph-thong - 순서
* The difference among phone, allophone, and phoneme
1. phone(음성, a particular realization of a phoneme), allophone(이음) - [ ]
2. phoneme(음소, a phonemic transcription of a word) - / /
- phonemic(/ /)에서 의미로 머릿속으로 생각한 뒤에(mental representations of the phonological units) syllable 속에서 phonotactics 적용받은 후 phonological rule를 거쳐 음성적으로 표현 되는 게 phonetic([ ])
* Allophone으로부터 distribution을 보고 phoneme를 찾는 4가지 개념
- minimal pairs, complementary distribution, phonetic similarity, free variation(예외)
1. two different phonemes - 음소로 구분된다는 것은 native들이 바로 구별이 가능하다는 것을 의미
① overlapping distribution (not required by neighboring condition)
- /ten/, /den/에서 /t/, /d/는 같은 자리에 나온다. 즉, 자리만 보고 t,d를 구별 불가능(unpredictable)
② meaning difference
- if substituted for each other, 두 음성 때문에 의미가 달라진다.
① + ② = /t/와 /d/(sound)는 서로 contrast 관계이므로 둘은 contrastive distribution을 취한다.
그리고 이를 (near) minimal pairs가 잘 보여준다. (ten-den)
+ near minimal pairs - immediately preceding and following environments are the same
+ phonemic free variation - overlapping but no meaning difference (ex) economic, direction, either
2. allophones(positional variant, different phones) of the same phoneme - 같은 음소에 속하는 음들은 구별 x
① complementary distribution: if a sound [X] never appears in any of the phonetic environment where a sound [Y] occurs - 서로 같은 자리에 안 나온다(mutually exclusive), 자리만 보고 구별 가능(predictable)
② phonetic similarity - (+ glide [j], [w]는 [i], [u]와 phonetically similar and complementary distribution)
⑴ obstruents - voiced/manner/place 중 2개 이상, place는 특히 close ex) alveolar - palato alveolar
⑵ snonorants - nasals(same place)/all liquids/glide [j] with [i], [w] with [u]
cf) /h/와 /ŋ/은 서로 complementary distribution인데 phonetically dissimilar - 같은 음소에 속하지 않음
+ allophonic free variation - allophones of a phoneme in overlapping ex) released final stops(in accents)
3. rule(rules often change only one or two features of a sound) and natural class
① rule이 적용되는 대상이 서로 공통적인 자질을 가지고 있을 때 이들을 합쳐 natural class라 부른다.
② The sounds a rule applies and the sounds in environment each shares a particular phonetic feature
- the sets of sounds described by a small number of distinctive features are called natural classes. Any individual member of a natural class would require more features in its description than natural class
4. morphophonemic rule - an alternation of different phonemes for the same morpheme - allomorphs
- phonological rule인데 morphology 정보가 들어가며, 결과적으로 phonetic form으로 나타남 + 스피드에 영향 x
① English negative prefixes
② past tense ending in English (+ restriction on some feature-changing assimilatory processes)
- 기본 past tense는 /d/, 반드시 rule의 순서를 지켜서 적용해야 한다,
⑴ if the last sound of the verb is an alveolar stop, /t, d/, schwa insertion before another alveolar stop
⑵ If the verb-final sound is not an alveolar stop, the shape of the past tense ending is an alveolar stop, [-t] or [-d], which is determined by the voicing of the verb-final sound
ex) walked [wɔkt], pushed [pʊʃt], seemed [simd], swayed [swed], blended [blɛndəd], tested [tɛstəd]
cf) bent, tent는 안 된다. 왜냐하면 morpheme boundary가 없어서(within single morpheme boundary)
③ The plural morphemes - ⑴ insert schwa before the plural morpheme /z/ when a noun ends in a sibilant, ⑵ change /z/ to a voiceless [s] when preceded by a voiceless sound - 기본 plural은 /z/
④ trisyllabic laxing - ex) ser[i]ne / se.r[ɛ].ni.ty - (morpheme boundary가 있는)세 번째 syllable에서 laxing
⑤ velar softening - ex) pe.da.go.[g]ue / pe.da.go.[ʤ][i] - velum[g]이 palatal[ʤ]이 되었다.(palatalization)
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