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Phonetics(음성학) & Phonology(음운론) - Phonological Rules

by 늦깎이 학생 2022. 11. 7.

Phonological rules - phonological rules apply to(operate on) phonemic strings to derive their phonetic pronunciations(to make explicit which allophones are pronounced in which environments)

- A(phoneme) becomes B(allophone) when they are [followed(preceded) by, between, in the position of] C.

+ condition(environment)라고 하면 같은 syllable ’ ‘바로 앞 뒤 sound들의 natural class’를 생각

+ phonetic condition(environment)라고 하면 앞 뒤 syllable ’ ‘특정 음(phonetic representation)’을 생각

+ generalization - 두 개 rule들의 공통적인 condition / restriction - 주어진 변화만을 나타내는 condition

+ constraint(alternative of rule) - ex) voiceless stops are aspirated syllable-initially, there are no sequence of [s] plus a voiced(neutralization) stop (+ rule을 바꾸는 것을 modify or adjust라고 표현한다.)


1. feature(the part of a segment) changing rule

feature value changing(plus/minus) - voicing, roundness(distinctive feature, phonemic representation)

feature addition(plus) - aspiration, secondary articulation, nasalization(nondistinctive features)

+ allophonic rulephoneme에서 또 다른 phoneme가 아닌 allophone으로 바꿔주는 rule이며 optional rule(일어날 수 도, 안 일어날 수 도)이다. 대표적인 예로는 feature addition이 있다.


2. (phonemic)segment rule

insertion(epenthesis) - (자음과 자음이 충돌하면) schwa insertion(the plural suffix -s after sibiliants), 모음과 모음이 충돌하면 non-rhotic /r/ insertion - ex) idea [r] is(across words), draw[r]ing(within word)

deletion(hapology) - elision of one or more sound such as a vowel or a consonant

consonant cluster reduction(/t, d/ deletion), /g/ deletion, inter-dental fricative deletion

vowel omission(schwa deletion) - stressed + 2 successive unstressed - the second vowel is omitted

ex) /memory/ - o is omitted, mystery, general, funeral, vigorous


3. speech error(metathesis, anticipation error - 앞에 미리 예상하고, preservation error - 뒤에 보전하여)

- evidence of phonological rule : not just the first sounds, but the onsets, nuclei and codas change, and people unconsciously apply phonological rules to the speech errors - ex) god to seen(nasalized vowel)


4. assimilation - a given sound takes on the characteristics of a neighboring sound(conditioning sound)

progressive assimilation(perseverative coarticulation) - the conditioning sound precedes and affects the following sound - ex) bags[z]/backs[s], moved[d]/fished[t] (agreement in voicing in tautosyllabic condition)

regressive assimilation(anticipatory coarticulation) - the assimilated sound precedes and is affected by the conditioning sound

place assimilation - ex) alveolar stop(nasal and oral) assimilation

manner assimilation - ex) give me - gim:i, let me - lem:i,(place도 바뀜) ir(n) + regular - il(n) + legal

vocing assimilation - ex) have to[f], has to[s], used to[s]

reciprocal(coalescent) assimilation - two segments assimilate to each other, which makes a third distinct segment

ex) palatalization - morpheme-final or word-final(N AmE) alveolar obstruent followed by palatal glide /j/

within a word - delusion, division, departure, gracious across a word - accept your, follows your


5. dissimilation - adjacent sounds become more different (비슷한 성격의 소리가 연속으로 나는 것을 방지)

ex) fricative dissimilation rule - /fθ/ and /sθ/ to [ft] and [st] - fifth(ft), sixth(sikst) - fricativestop으로

ex) [sI.mI.lar] - 원래는 lal인데 /l/이 한 단어에 두 개가 나오면 /l/이 중복되는 것을 방지하기 위해 lar로 바꿈


6. neutralization - cancellation of phonemic contrasts between two phonological units

ex) consonant - flapping, voiced and voiceless stops following /s/ in word-initial, glottalization

ex) vowel - vowel reduction to schwa, /I/, /ɛ/ before nasal - [pIn], [pen], vowels before /r/

