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영어교육론 - Theories/models of second language acquisition(1)

by 늦깎이 학생 2022. 11. 21.

* Krashen's Input hypothesis

1. comprehensible input - contains one step more advanced than the current stage of learner's inter-language

2. affective filter - the best acquisition occurs in environment where anxiety is low and defensiveness absent

3. natural order - the acquisition of grammatical structure follows a predicative natural order

4. monitor - learnt knowledge only works as a monitor to make changes in the form before or after production (non-interface position)


* Long's Interaction hypothesis

original - comprehensible input을 어떻게 줄 것인가에 초점(interaction modification을 통해서, still containing unknown linguistic elements)

revised - comprehensible output을 어떻게 유도할 것인가에 초점(corrective feedback을 통해서)


1. the process of interaction = incomprehensible input - communication breaks down(trigger) - negotiation of meaning(interaction modification, interactional structure is reformulated, signal) - modified interaction(utterance is reformulated due to corrective feedback, response) - comprehensible input - intake


2. modification

input modification(foreigner talk) - conceptual(meta-linguistic term / concrete example), lexical(frequent word), syntactic(긴 한 문장 / 짧은 여러 문장), elaboration(뒤에 설명) in order for the low-level to understand well

interaction modification(negotiation of meaning) - communication breakdown을 알려주는 strategy(전략)

confirmation check - 자신의 이해정도 확인

comprehension check - 청자의 이해정도 확인

clarification requests - (I don't understand) 추가적인 설명 요구 - output hypothesis에선 이를 통해 pushing하면 학생으로 하여금 engage them in bottom-up processing necessary for extending their inter-language grammar

recast - negative evidence(틀렸단 걸 알려줌) + positive evidence(올바른 표현 제공)

The sequence of meaning negotiation

: Trigger(communication breakdown) - Signal(do not understand) - Response(utterance reformulation) - follow up

The condition for negotiation two-way information exchange , convergent goal, closed outcome


* Schmidt's noticing hypothesis (Krashen을 비판하면서 등장 1)

noticing is detection plus rehearsal in short-term memory, prior to encoding in long-term memory

noticing(focally attending(stemming from awareness) to a linguistic element in learner's input) is an essential prerequisite for input to be converted into intake, which eventually integrated with learner's inter-language

+ attention - the psychological state of focusing on certain stimuli to the exclusion of others

+ awareness(conscious learning) - intentional control of their focal attention to some aspect of input or output

+ consciousness-raising - drawing students' attention to formal elements of language within the context

noticing the gap - the process that learner cognitively compare his inter-language with target language, which helps learner raise awareness of his incomplete inter-language




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