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영어교육론 - Theories/models of second language acquisition(3)

by 늦깎이 학생 2022. 11. 22.

* Explicit / Implicit - technical termgeneral term으로 나누어 볼 수 있다

1. Technical term - Byalystok's implicit and explicit model

explicit knowledge - know about language, the ability to articulate, declarative knowledge(언어의 형태나 표면적인 특징에 관해 설명할 수 있는 지식)

implicit knowledge - how to use language, the ability to produce, procedural knowledge

automatization(proceduralization) - interface position(with practice, it helps reduce working memory)


2. General term - grammar에서 rule(declarative knowledge), feedback에서 error가 일어났다고 명시적/암묵적

explicit learning - acquisition of linguistic competence with conscious awareness, focal attention to the forms

implicit learning - it occurs without intention to learn and without awareness of what has been learned


* Language competence{Communicative competence(the clusters of abilities that enable humans to negotiate meaning within specific contexts)} - Bachman's framework

organizational competence

grammatical competence - focuses on sentence level grammar

discourse competence - focuses on inter-sentential relationships - deals with cohesion, coherence

pragmatic competence - the ability to produce and comprehend functional and sociolinguistic aspect of lg

illocutionary competence - sending and receiving intended meaning to achieve certain communicative goals

- speech act : an utterance as a functional unit in communication such as expressive, directive..so on

sociolinguistic competence - sociocultural rules(cultural aspects), appropriate use and understanding of language styles(appropriateness of the formality) in various contexts to convey specific communicative functions

- register : certain expressions associated with different occupational groups(대화를 통해 직업군을 추론 가능)

- culture awareness / formality awareness : require sensitivity to cross-cultural or 관계의 친밀성 variations

strategic competence - strategies to compensate for communication breakdown


* Cummins : CALP (cognitive/academic language proficiency), BICS (basic interpersonal communicative skills)


* The principles of social constructivism(sociocultural) - communicative context에서 타인과의 소통을 통해 습득

social interaction - 상호작용의 기회 제공, internalization through imitation

provide scaffolding - provide supportive help / zone of proximal development(18년 기출)


* The principles of cognitive approach - meaningful context에서 정신적 활동을 통해 언어의 구조를 학습

(고전적) 귀납적 혹은 연역적 학습(deductive or inductive reasoning)

(20c 인지과학의 발달) information processing theory - noticing hypothesis, automatization, restructuring

(21c) connectionism(psycholinguistics) - acquisition is a result of the simultaneous interconnections triggered by massive exposure to the language(there are no rules of grammar. Instead, the systematicities of syntax emerge from the set of learned associations between language functions and forms, with online generalization

+ parallel distributed processing - information is processed simultaneously at several levels of attention




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영어교육론 - Theories/models of second language acquisition(3)