7. movement - head movement, DP movement, Wh- movement
① head movement(V to T and T to C movement) - subject auxiliary(operator) inversion
⑴ only auxiliaries raise from V to T to get tense, move T to C in order to check a [+Q] feature in C
ex) He(DP) will(T) often(VP의 spec) eat apples - Will he often eat apples?, ex) *He eats often apples
⑵ subject-aux inversion is not allowed with an embedded Q complementizer
ex) I asked whether you have squeezed the Charmin - C자리가 [+Q]인데 whether가 차지해서 No inversion
+ do support - when there is no other option for supporting inflectional affixes, insert 'do' into T
ex) I did not eat apples - do가 T로 투입 to support the past tense, and ‘not' is a specifier of VP
ex) Did you eat the apples? - do가 T로 투입돼서 did가 된 뒤 C로 이동 to check a [+Q] feature in C
+ multiple auxiliaries - modal이 있을 때는 얘가 T자리에 있고 modal이 없으면 다른 애들이 T자리로 간다.
② DP movement(move DP from a spec of VP to that of TP to be assigned case (passives, raising))
⑴ locality restriction on theta roles - an argument must be in the same clause with the predicate that gives it a theta-role(theta roles are assigned within the projection of the head that assigns them)
ex) *I want Bradley [that left] - left는 agent가 필요한데 that이 가로막고 있다. or DP와 같은 clause가 아니다.
ex) *[that John will leave] is likely - is likely는 proposition만 필요, Is는 auxiliaries라서 V에서 T로 이동
⑵ case - ex) *It is likely John to leave - EPP를 2번 적용했는데 비문 - John이 case를 못 받음
ex) it is likely [that John will leave] - John이 embedded clause에서 case를 받을 수 있으니 이동할 필요가 없다.
ex) *VP[is AP[likely CP [TP[to John leave]]]] - to는 T자리에 있으며(infinitive), John은 CP안에 TP의 spec 자리에 가서 EPP 한 번 만족시켜줬다가 case를 못 받으니 case를 받기 위해 matrix TP의 spec자리로 이동한다.
ex) John is likely to leave - John은 is likely의 subject이다.(is는 [Nom]를 가진 T에 있으면서 TP의 spec자리에 온 John에게 nominative case를 준다). 단, leave에게 agent role을 받지만 case를 못 받으니 주어자리로 이동
③ Wh- movement(move a Wh- phrase to the spec of CP to check a {+Wh] feature in C)
ex) Whom did Matt kiss? - ⑴ DP movement of Matt from a spec of VP to a spec of TP to check [Nom] feature(to get theta role), ⑵ Do-insertion on T to support the past tense and T to C movement to check [+Q] feature, ⑶ move a Wh- phrase to the spec of CP to check a {+Wh} feature in C(Wh-movement)
ex) Who was kissed - V to T and T to C(head movement) for passive, Wh-movement - DP move가 없다.
ex) CP(-Q, -Wh-)[I(DP movement) wonder CP(-Q, +Wh)[who(Wh movement) Jim(DP movement) kissed]
ex) CP(+Q, +Wh-)[Who(Wh move) do(head move) you(DP move) think CP(-Q, -Wh)[Jim(DP move) kissed] - 'Who‘가 두 번 이동했다 - MLC에 따라 potential landing site인 CP의 spec에 있다가 C[-Wh]이니까 앞으로 이동
ex) CP[what did you say CP[ - was hit - ]]? - what은 hit에게 theta role받고 case를 받기 위해 embedded clause의 CP의 spec자리로 이동한 후, matrix C에 [+WH]있어 matrix clause의 CP의 spec자리로 이동
+ Four islands that provide environments out of which Wh movements cannot occur
⑴ complex DP island - Wh movement out of CP that is dominated by a DP is ungrammatical
ex) What did Bill calm CP[that he read t in the syntax book]
ex) *What did Bill make DP[the claim CP[that he read t in the syntax book]]
ex) *Which cake did you see DP[the man CP[who baked t ]]
⑵ Wh-island - moving both the wh-phrases trigger ungrammaticality
ex) How do you think (t) John bought what (t)
ex) *How(k) do you wonder CP[what(i) TP[John bought t(i) t(k)]] - How가 거쳐 갈 자리가 없거든
⑶ Subject condition - Wh-phrase cannot move out of subject
ex) CP[*Who(i) was(C) TP[CP[that the police would arrest t(i)] t(was) a certainty(spelling check)]]
⑷ Coordinate structure constraint - ex) *What(i) did you eat t(i) and drink some soda?
④ Cyclic movement(2 hops) to keep the minimal link condition(move to the closest potential landing site)
ex) Tom seems (t) to be believed (t) to admire Mary / ex) *Tom seems that it is believed to admire Mary
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