Consistency test - ① movement (phrase, not bar), ② substitution (phrase or bar, not head)
+ Constituent - strings(sequences) of one or more words that syntactically(the set of nodes exhaustively dominated by a single node) and semantically behave as(form) a unit
① the movement test - left(NP-preposing, VP-preposing, though)/right(heavy NP, extraposition from NP)
⑴ NP-preposing(topicalization) - nothing less than a whole constituent can be topicalized
ex) [French wine] I like [], but [French beer] I hate []
⑵ VP-preposing(auxiliary verb은 T에 위치하기 때문에 움직이지 않는다. + DO support)
ex) Ralph says that he will clean his room meticulously,
ex) <and [clean his room meticulously] he will []>
ex) *<and [clean his room] he will [] meticulously> (왜냐하면 meticulously is the adjunct of verb phrase)
⑶ Though movement(auxiliary verb - DO support)
ex) Though Tom carefully cleaned his room, he is still untidy
ex) [Carefully clean his room] though Tom did, he is still untidy
ex) *[Clean his room] though Tom carefully did, he is still untidy
⑷ heavy NP shift(end-weight)
ex) *I travelled [] in three weeks [the world from Rio to Korea] - subcategorization rule - hand NP to
ex) # I travelled [] from Rio to Korea in three weeks [the world] - 안 무거운데 옮김
ex) [The world] I traveled [] from Rio to Korea in three weeks - NP preposing
+ restriction - we can't move either INDIRECT OBJECT or OBJECT OF PREPOSITION
ex) *I sent [] a postcard [my cousin from London] - indirect object
ex) *I sent a postcard to [] yesterday [my cousin] - object of preposition
⑸ extraposition from NP(end-weight) + more acceptable if the verb phrase is relatively light such as intransitive verbs or raising verbs (seem, become, appear)
ex) The dog [] escaped [that were chained to the house]
ex) ?The men [] noisely left the theater [who were drunk] - heavy verb phrase
ex) *Six women [] (on their heads) appeared [with yellow hats] - () is an adjunct of ‘yellow hats’
ex) Six women appeared [with yellow hats on their heads]
+ the coordination test - only the same category(form) can be coordinated (phrase, bar, head) (NP, VP..)
ex) Frank [washed the dishes] and [ironed the shirts] - ordinary coordination
ex) Frank washed, [] and ironed, [the shirts] - right node raising(shared constituent coordination)
ex) Alice gave [my brother a T-shirt] and [my sister a CD] - V-deletion(gapping)
ex) *Peter blew [out the candle] and [up the balloon], *Peter crossed, and figured, [out the best answer]
ex) John flew [out the window] and [across the river] - prepositional phrase or free combination
+ clefting(+ cleft doesn't allow VP, -ly, AP as a focus) - incomplete, two constituents in the focus
ex) *It was [a book] [to Mary] that John gave - incomplete constituent, two constituents
ex) *What I arrested was [last week] [your brother] - two constituents in the focus position
ex) *It was [up the bill] that John ran - phrasal verb - incomplete constituent
+ contracted forms cannot be used when there is missing constituent(elision, move) immediately following
ex) *(How good) do you think Mary's (t) at Linguistics
ex) *Who do you wanna kiss the puppy? - you want Who to kiss the puppy - Who do you want to kiss~
ex) (Who) do you wanna beat (t) - want 바로 뒤에가 아닌 beat 뒤에 missing constituent가 오니까 정문
ex) CP[Who do you think CP[(that) Jim believes CP[(that) Judy wants (t) to meet the mayor?
② the substitution test(replacement)
⑴ substitution of nominal projections : NP and N', but not N(head) - substituted by a proform
+ proform - pro NP (he, she, it, they, that(proposition), there/here, then, so) / pro N' (one, ones)
ex) They say that [Tom] is (very happy) and (so) [he] is - pro NPs he
ex) Mark is [a dedicated (teacher of English)], but Tom is [an indifferent (one)] - pro N' one
ex) fascinate lover of classical music - constituent(x) - fascinate lover of classical music(N')
ex) keyboard(N') for a type writer(adjunct), Bill hired the sad clowns and you hired these happy ones
ex) the fact(N) that he is very beautiful(complement)
ex) Tom is certainly [a clever Italian student of English], but Jack is [an absolutely brilliant one] -
1) Jack is an absolutely brilliant student of English (N')
2) Jack is an absolutely brilliant Italian student of English (N')
- 쉽게 생각해서 complement랑 붙어 있으면 head, adjunct랑 붙어 있으면 bar, 꼭 앞에 determiner존재(N'이므로)
⑵ substitution of verbal projections : V', VP(without specifier {not} the difference is obscure),
⒜ V'(VP) deletion(Ellipsis) - ① 종속절, 등위절 모두 가능, ② 생략된 절에 조동사 남김, ③ 삭제된 vp가 선행사 앞에 위치해도 됨
ex) will you [please leave the room]? - Okay I will [] - VP deletion
ex) I'm happy if you are - 'be' copula도 auxiliary로 생각 - VP deletion
ex) You [take a lot of risks] - I aim to [] or I do(auxiliary verb) - VP deletion
ex) Tom will [clean the window] diligently, but Jack will [] lazily - V' deletion
ex) Tom will rudely [interrupt the speaker], but Jack will politely [] - V' deletion
ex) Violet will [stay out late tonight], even though sho shouldn't [] - VP deletion ①
ex) Even though she shouldn't [], Violet will [stay out late tonight] - VP deletion ③
+ V-deletion(Gapping) - ① 등위절에서만, ② 조동사 남길 필요 없음, ③ 삭제된 VP가 선행사 앞에 위치하면 안됨
ex) *Ziggy [] a Harley even though Aifie [bought] a Yamaha - ①, ③를 어김
ex) John asked Bill to leave, and Sam asked Sue to apologize - coordination은 가능하지만 gapping은 안됨
ex) Ed kept on eating, and Marcia kept on arguing - coordination은 가능하지만 gapping은 안됨
ex) she came to Canada in 1999, and her parents () in 2001(V + PP) - TG에서는 이것도 Gapping이라고 표기
ex) on many occasions, they've served us snapper, and a couple of times () abalone(S + VP) - “
ex) Barbara gave Sue a Magnolia and Ada a Camellia - SG에서는 이것도 Gapping이라고 표기
ex) *John put Fido in the doghouse, and Sam [Spot] [in the yard] - complement를 두 개 이상 남기면 x
ex) John sells trucks on Thursdays, and Mary [cars] on Fridays - complement 한 개랑 adjunct 한 개라서 o
+ right node raising(delayed right constituent coordination)
ex) Alex owned, and Sue knew a guy who wanted to buy, a vintage 1939 Bentley(심지어 높낮이도 다른데 o)
⒝ 'do so' substitution (VP, V') - 여기서 do는 main verb - stressed
ex) Barry didn't hire a big jaguar, but Tom did so - VP substitution
+ ex) John went home, and so did Peter, too (도치 가능)
ex) Tom will rudely [interrupt the speaker], but Jack will politely do so - V' substitution
ex) Tom will [rudely interrupt the speaker], and Jack will do so, too- VP or V' substitution
+ ex) Alice is coming to the party, and John is, too - I-node 안에 있는 be 동사(꼭 do가 아니여도 됨)
ex) *Barry hired a big jaguar, and Tom did so Benz - no substitution for V(hired)(head)
ex) *Leny sent Tom a postcard, and Gemma did so a present
ex) I bought the bread in the supermarket(VP의 adjunct), he did so too(VP-substitution)
ex) Things just aren't the way they used to be - be까지 있어야 한다.(T node)
ex) As no one else succeeded in doing so, ~ - combination(do so) appears in infinitive or -ing particles
+ ex) John may have gone home for the summer, and Alicia may have gone home for the summer, too
- ex) *John may have gone home for the summer, and Alicia may, too(may go ~의 의미가 될 수 있으니까)
- ex) John may have gone home for the summer, and Alicia may have, too(have까지 있어야 한다)
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