1. factual
① timeless - 시간에 상관없이 언제나, when이나 whenever로 바꿀 수 있다. 주절과 종속절 동사의 모양새가 같다.
⑴ generic(조건 - 결과, 물리법칙 같은 거) - if + simple present / simple present
ex) if you boil water, it vaporizes
⑵ habitual(현재(과거)의 습관) - if + simple present(past) / (usually) simple present(past)
ex) if I wash dishes, Sally (usually) dries them, ex) If Nancy said "jump", Bob (usually) jumped
② time-bounded - 한정적 시간 안에, when과 whenever로 바꿀 수 없다.
⑴ implicit inference(잠정적 추론) - if + TAM(아무 조동사) / TAM - 주절과 종속절 조동사의 종류, tense가 같다
ex) If there was a happy man that night, it was John / ex) If you will help me, I'll give you a reward
⑵ explicit inference(확실한 추론) - if + TAM / must, should - 주절과 종속절 동사의 모양새가 다르다.
ex) if someone is at the door(추론의 근거), it must be Peter(추론의 결과)
+ TAM - Tense, Auxiliary, and Modal
2. future(미래 조건) - future plans, predictive(예상), contingency(가능성)
① strong condition(prediction) and result(미래에) - if + simple present(past) / will, be going to
ex) if it rains, I will stay home, ex) If you did a good job on that project last summer, you'll get a raise
② weakened condition(prediction) and result(혹시나 미래에)
- if + simple present, should, (should) happen to / will(certain), should(probable), may, might(possible)
ex) it you should finish your vegetables, I may buy you an ice cream
ex) if Steve comes to class, he should get the answers to the quiz
3. imaginative(가정)
① hypothetical(가상, 현재(미래) 사실을 반대로 가정, 그럴 수 도 있는 것)
⑴ future(그럴 리 없겠지만 앞으로) - if + were to, should, simple past subjunctive/ would
ex) if Joe were to have the time, he would go to mexico
ex) if I found a wallet on the wallet, I would return it to the owner
⑵ present(그럴 리 없겠지만 지금) - if + simple past subjunctive / would
ex) if Joe had the time, he would go to Mexico
② counter-factual(불가능한 상황)
⑴ present(절대 불가능 하지만 지금) - if + simple past subjunctive / would
ex) If my grandpa were alive today, he would ~
⑵ past(절대 불가능한 거 알지만 그때) - if + past perfect / would have p.p
ex) if my grandpa had been alive in 1996, he would have ~
+ ex) If I were a president(앞으로, 지금), I would ~ - 장난으로 하는 상황
ex) If I am a president (미래에), I will ~ - 진짜 입후보자가 하는 말
* 혼합 가정법
1. 과거내용 - 현재내용 ex) If you had not helped me, I would not be alive now
2. 현재내용 - 과거내용 ex) If she were a good student, she would have studied hard
* subjunctive complements - express speaker's uncertainty, hypotheticality, counterfactual, wish
- present(mandative) subjunctive : bare form / past subjunctive(hypothetical) : were
* alternatives - provided (that), as long as, assuming (that), given (that)
+ unless(=except in the case that, ≠if not) - in counterfactual case, unless cannot be replaced into if not
ex) unless I'd had a bicycle - 자전거를 탄 게 아니고서야 / if I hadn't had a bicycle - 자전거가 없었더라면
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