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영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Focus structure(강조 구문)

by 늦깎이 학생 2022. 5. 22.

1. cleft sentences

it-cleft - VP(x), adjP(rare)

A: I hear that they are going to fire [the secretary of state]

B: No, it's [the secretary of defense] who they want to fire - mostly for contradicting

wh-cleft, reversed wh-cleft - VP(o), adjP(rare), preP(except locative or temporal - when or where X)

A: they served us some kind of [white beverage] - but A's topic was distracted by others

A: well, what I didn't realize was that [the beverage that ~] - mostly for resuming a topic

ex) John saw Bill yesterday (declarative sentence)

ex) it was Bill that(who) John saw yesterday (it-cleft)

ex) what John did yesterday was (to) see Bill (wh-cleft)

ex) see Bill was what John did yesterday (reversed wh-cleft)

+ some wh-cleft structures do not have corresponding non-cleft sentences

ex) what I like about it is [its smooth line] / *I like about it [its smooth lines]

ex) what I object to is [that the judge ~] / *I object to [that the judge ~]

+ extraposition or relative clause와 비교 - cleft sentence‘it be ~ that’을 없애도 항상 grammatical


2. fronting(pre-posing, topicalization)


adjunct - free - ex) I wasn't ~ , (when I was at school) / (when I was at school), I wasn't ~

complement - constraint(a preposed complement serves as a link to the preceding discourse - already mentioned info) - ex) I said he could have [the others] / [the others] I said he could have

use of fronting

link sentences more tightly(앞 대화의 topic) + end-focus(새로운 내용)

ex) I work outside in the fresh air. That(old info) I also like(new info)

ex) *A tennis court(new) is in the stadium(old) / In the stadium(old) is a tennis court

contrast - ex) pretty they aren't, but affordable they are


3. post-posing - because of weight(end-weight) + greater phonological prominence

ex) he bought [an extraordinary lavish lunch] with them

ex) he bought t with them [an extraordinary lavish lunch]

+ extraposition과 비교 - difference - dummy-It(extraposition), common - heavy material


4. inversions - subject-dependent inversion, subject-auxiliary(operator) inversion

subject-dependent(complement of verb) inversion (phonological prominence) - + 가 둘 다 충족

here or there, or a locative or temporal prepositional predicative complement

be, appear, lie, go, come, sit

ex) [here(old)] come [the cops(new)], [on her desk(old)] was [a bowel of fruit(new)]

+ fronting with/without subject-verb inversion - fronting with subject-verb inversion = subject-dependent

ex) [into the house] John ran(emphasis on the initial adverbial element) / into the house ran [John](give focus to the delayed subject(new), connection to the previous sentence or emphasis on the final element)

+ counter expectation - ex) out of the keith's house stepped [#keith / others(unexpected people)]

subject-auxiliary inversion(do-support)

- never, seldom, only, so, as, such

ex) [only with a bank loan] [will we be] ~ / ex) [not only] [am I] happy ~, but I frankly(도치x) don't ~

ex) [such a fuss] [did they] make that we ~ /ex) [even] had she left a will - condition or concession

cf) so am I(focus), so do I(focus) - 나도 그래(too) / ex) so I am(focus), so I do(focus) - 정말 그래(indeed)

