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영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Non-referential there and it(비지칭 there과 it)

by 늦깎이 학생 2022. 5. 22.

* non-referential It - does not refer to anything, has no particular meaning by itself, simply fills(can be placed in) the subject position of the sentence (+ weather "it" - ex) it's raining)

+ subject position(subjecthood) test

ex) Is it raining - subject-aux inversion in yes/no question / ex) it's been raining all day - contraction

ex) it was raining, wasn't it(이 자리에 주어가 나와야한다.) - tag question

special constructions with non-referential It(not anaphoric)

cleft sentence - ex) it's my brother(focus) who is sleeping, who is sleeping is my brother(focus)

extraposed subject clauses(extraposition) - ex) it annoys me [that he is always late]

+ extraposition의 특징 - dummy it, gerund 절은 안 받음, interrogative 절의 동사가 목적어를 가질 경우 안 받음


* non-referential There

1. referential(pro-adverb, deictic, introductory adverb) there

anaphoric(대응) - ex) it was in paris in 1926. It was there that he stayed

deictic(지시, 말하는 이에 따라 달라짐) - ex) put the box over there


2. non-referential there(expletive, existential there - 존재의 유무니깐 there is/isn't 둘 다 가능하다.)

being different from referential there - non-referential there does not have

phonologically - bear stress(ref - full vowel, non-ref - reduced vowel)

+ intonation of tag question - rising tone(verification), falling tone(confirmation, exclamation)

semantically - locative meaning

ex) there's a screw driver here / ex) *there's the(it gives there locative meaning) screw driver here

syntactically - subject position

subjecthood test(yes/no question, tag question, contraction) / negation test - only non-referential there can be negated / deictic 'here' test (substitute there for here) - ex) *here is a little boy who ~ / existential there가 부사자리로 가면 비문 / nonfinite clause의 주어로 사용가능 - argumenthood test


pragmatic constraints on non-referential there

the existential construction is characteristically used to introduce addressee-new entities - usually indefinite displaced NP(definite - infelicitous)

ex) there is a more serious flaw / #there is the more serious flaw / *there's the man I've waited for

+ but when calling something to mind(remind) definite is felicitous

ex) A: have we any loose cash in the house? B: well there's the money in the box

when the indefinite NP denotes a physical entity, existential and non-existential constructions are both felicitous, but as for an abstract entity, only existential is felicitous

ex) a furniture van was in the drive / there's a furniture van in the drive

ex) #a hole is in my jacket / there's a hole in my jacket

the notional subject can be postponed and get prominent

ex) there was in the vicinity a helpful doctor(prominence)

existentials with predicative extensions containing adjective(temporary state)

ex) two delegates were absent - there were two delegates absent(temporary)

ex) two delegates were deaf - #there were two delegates deaf(permanent)

predicates containing NPs are normally excluded, except for 'the matter'

ex) #there were two delegates employees of the sponsor / ex) is there anything the matter?


non-referential there can't occur with a number of ergative verbs(주어가 theme을 받아서 원래 되는데!)

ex) break, change, decrease, increase, die, disappear 와 같이 몇몇은 안 됨




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영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Non-referential there and it(비지칭 there과 it)