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영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Lexical aspect(2)

by 늦깎이 학생 2022. 5. 22.

5. telic/atelic 

for - 기간 + 과정 = atelic(stative, activity) / in - 기간 + 완료 = telic(achievement, accomplishment)

'in' with achievement(the time that elapses before the event)and accomplishment(duration of the event)

forin이 둘 다 쓰이는 경우

ex) He solved the problems for(in) two hours - problems가 복수라서 for의 경우 풀린 문제도 있고 안 풀린 문제도 있다는 의미이고 in의 경우 모든 문제를 다 풀었다는 의미(solve the problemachievement)

ex) he climbed the mountain for(in) two hours - climb가 단순히 산을 탄다와 정상에 도착한다로 의미가 나뉨

ex) He painted for(in) two weeks - painting 완료 X(or 완료) / he finished his homework in(*for) two hours

미래 시제에서는 in이 어느 경우와도 통한다 - ~후에(the time that elapses before the event) - event delay

ex) Roge will run a mile in four minutes - 4분 후에 뛰기 시작할 건지 혹은 4분 동안 1마일 뛸 건지(ambiguity)

ex) they will be happy in a year, we will walk in the park in an hour, he will recognize her in a minute


6. present perfect versus present perfect progressive

- present perfect progressive emphasizes activity as compared with achievement with present perfect

possibly still on going activity versus prior event

ex) I have been visiting my grandmother (possibly still on going - activity)

ex) I have visited my grandmother (prior event - achievement) - 방문하는 거는 예비 동작이 없이 딱 방문

strong implication of continuation versus continuation being only a possibility

ex) I have been teaching for 25 years (and I can't imagine doing anything else - activity)

ex) I have taught for 25 years (so now it's time to think about doing something else - achievement)

+ present perfect progressive implies continuation unless it is contradicted by another clause

ex) I have been teaching for 25 years, but now I want to do something else

as for accomplishment, incomplete versus complete

ex) I have been remodeling my home (incomplete)

ex) I have remodeled my home (complete)


7. simple past versus present perfect

- present perfect is more related to our present perspective on the event rather than on the actual time

- past tense has something to do with remoteness

simple past often occurs with specific past-time adverbials such as yesterday, last year, 1990

simple past is used for a completed historical period

ex) my father lived here all his life (complete)

ex) my father has lived here all his life (incomplete, he still lives there)


8. simple present versus present progressive

- present progressive is used for limited action in progress, while present is more compatible with states

moment of speech versus habitual action

temporary event versus permanent situation

specific event versus general situation

ex) what are you doing for Thanksgiving? / ex) what do you do for Thanksgiving?

activity versus state

ex) I am thinking about the answer(mental activity) / I think it is 144(mental state, report)


9. indicating future tense - 'be going to' vs 'will' vs 'be ~ing'

be going to - 객관적 추측, 계획된 미래(공적으로)

will - 주관적 추측, 계획된 미래(혼자)

be ~ing - 계획된 미래 + 행동까지(여행을 위해 짐을 다 싸놓았다)

