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영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Indirect Objects(간접 목적어)

by 늦깎이 학생 2022. 5. 22.

1. the prepositional(3형식) and dative(~을 받는 자리를 이끈다) movement(4형식) patterns

DO - undergoes the action - theme / IO - the action is directed - goal

ex) he gave [a beautiful ring] to [his friend] - deep structure(3형식)

ex) he gave [his friend] [a beautiful friend] - surface structure(4형식)


2. to or for or both(to-성의가 없다, for-성의가 있다)

TO - to dative verb(theme) - 한 번의 행동

FOR - for dative verb(benefactive, 두 번의 행동) - bake, build, buy, cook, do, make ex) bake = 구워+

Both - bring, give, leave, read, sing

ex) I brought a chair {to her, for her}, ex) I left a tip {to her - 던지는 느낌, for her - 많이 준다}

Of - require, ask, request (eliciting verbs)


3. for ambiguity (benefactive - 수혜자(the projected possessor, 주는 동작) / proxy - 심부름)

ex) John bought it {for me} / John bought me a present - benefactive

proxy - he acted on my behalf because I didn't have time to buy it myself

benefactive - John bought it for me as a gift

ex) open me a beer, please(open and give me - 수혜자), ex) *open me the door, please - 문을 줄 수 없다.

ex) open the door for me (do not give it to me, but just open on my behalf) - proxy


4. animacy(유생성) - if there should be animacy in both the subject and indirect object(projected possessor). both patterns are possible, but if not, only one pattern is possible

ex) the rain(inanimate) brought disaster to the farmers

ex) *the rain brought the farmers disaster, ex) *the blood stains told a tale of terror to us - ~에게 말하다

ex) the blood stains(inanimate) told us a tale of terror

- however, if the verb has a meaning other than the action meaning, the sentence has two patterns

ex) the justices(inanimate) often gave(provided) a literal interpretation to the constitution(헌법)

ex) the justices(inanimate) often gave(provided) the constitution a literal interpretation

ex) the document(inanimate) gave(contained) enough clues to the cryptographers(암호해독가) to enable ~

ex) the document(inanimate) gave(contained) the cryptographers enough clues to enable ~


5. the effect of verb meaning - owe

owe[IO][DO] - to have an outstanding debt - ex) *I owe my parents this success

owe[DO] to [IO] - a sense of gratitude and acknowledgement - ex) I owe this success to my parents


6. two information - structuring principles(end-weight, end-focus)

end-weight - complex(heavy) NP should appear at the end of a clause

end-focus - new(comment) is at the end(dominant) position / old info(topic) appears before new info ex) the police chase the man이랑 the man is chased by the police는 사실 관계는 같지만 의미 관계는 다름

ex) *we bought Helen (it, them), we bought Helen [a book, some book, this, that], *She gave a CD to him

+ pronominal objects - three structure is possible

Give [the book] to [John] - no pronominal objects

Give [it] to [John] - direct object is a pronoun, and it does not position at the end

Give [him] [the book] - indirect object is a pronoun, and it does not position at the end

*Give [John] [it] - direct object is a pronoun, and it positions at the end

*Give [the book] to [him] - indirect object is a pronoun, and it positions at the end

cf) indefinite pronoun like 'one or some or this' can position at the end - ex) Give [John] ([one] or [this])

7. verbs that (only) appear in the dative movement patterns(4형식)

- bet, wager(돈을 걸다), begrudge(시기하다), envy, fine, allow, forgive, pardon, spare

ex) Alan doesn't begrudge Mary her success / *Alan doesn't begrudge he success to Mary

ex) I envy(forgive) you / I envy(forgive) your success / I envy(forgive) you your success


8. verbs that (usually) appear in the dative movement patterns

- cost, save, wish / bill, charge{when indirect object is inanimate - prepositional patterns}

ex) he wished a good birthday / he wished Tom a good birthday / *he wished a merry good to Tom

ex) The book costs(saves) $50. The book costs(saves) me $50

ex) I charged(bill) him the hotel bill / *I charged(bill) the hotel bill to him

ex) I charged(bill) the hotel bill to my credit card(inanimate)

ex) *I charged(bill) my credit card(inanimate) the hotel bill


9. verbs that only appear in the prepositional patterns

to dative verbs - administer, admit, confess, contribute, declare, deliver, demonstrate, describe, donate, explain, introduce, mention, repeat(~~에게 반복하다), report, return, reveal, transfer

ex) *Explain me the answer / Explain the answer to me

for dative verbs - answer, cash, capture, collate(수집하다), correct, create, eat, fix, pronounce, repeat(목적을 가지고 ~~에게 반복하다), select

ex) *Answer me the question / Answer the question for me

