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Phonetics(음성학) & Phonology(음운론) - English Consonants (2)

by 늦깎이 학생 2022. 11. 8.

affrication - 강화 - regressive assimilation

- when alveolar stop(t, d) is onset(syllable initial) + it is followed by /ɹ/ - becomes affricates(ʧ, ʤ)

ex) train


palatalization - regressive assimilation, fricative도 해당(3) + 이건 affricate가 되는 거 맞음

- alveolar stop(t, d) may turn into palato-alveolar affricates(ʧ, ʤ) when it is followed by palatal glide(j)

ex) did you ... ([dɪd ju ...] or [dɪʤ ju ...]), ate your dinner ([et jɚ dɪnɚ])


glottalization (glottal replacement) - 성대를 닫는다

- t ʔ(glottalized) / _ $(syllable final, coda) or N(before nasal syllabic, onset)

syllable final ex) Batman [bæʔmæn], he hit me [hihɪʔmi], eat well [iʔwɛl]

+ atrocious는 안 된다. /t/onset에 있어서 / court room은 된다. /tr/across words에 적용 안 돼서

before nasal syllabic ex) beaten [biʔn̩], kitten [kɪʔn̩]


pre-glottalization (glottally reinforced, glottal reinforcement)

- voiceless stops/t, p, k/ glottalized / _ #(in absolute final position)

ex) hit [hɪʔt], tap [tæʔp], sack [sæʔk]

+ in some accents(방언), /p, t, k/ become glottal stop - 이 경우엔 neutralization


palatalization and labilization of velar stop(k, g) - assimilation, secondary articulation

ex) car key [kaɹ̣ ki] - first k(velum), second k(hard palate) - different tongue position of following vowel

ex) different lip position in geese[gj](no lip rounding) and goose[gu](rounding nature of following vowel)

ex) keep cool - the /k/ of the first word, followed by /i/, is unrounded and more front, while that of the second word, followed by /u/, is back and rounded because of the nature of following vowel


consonant cluster(sequence of sound) reduction - /t/or/d/ is deleted when placed between consonants

ex) /westside/ - [weside], /juzd tə/ - [justə] - 뒤에 경우는 regressive assimilation으로도 설명이 된다.

ex) /nd/ - hand some, /st/ next class, /ft/ - left street

no deletion when the following word begins with a vowel. Instead, re-syllabification(앞 음절의 마지막 자음이 모음으로 시작하는 음절의 두음으로 실현될 때 앞 음절의 마지막 자음이 재음절화 되었다고 이야기한다.) occurs

ex) Eas/t end, blin/d eye, wil/d ass


t-deletion(loss of /t/) when /nt/ is between two vowels where there is no stress in the second vowel (in an unstressed syllable) or between a vowel and a syllabic [l]

ex) planter, canter, winter, tenter / rental, dental


no loss of /t/ or /d/ when before /h, j, w, r/ and optional loss of them before /l/

ex) east hill, blind youth, wild woman, old rags / han(d) luggage, gues(t) list


no loss of /t/ or /d/ when they are grammatical endings

ex) planned trip, fixed game, autographed book

+ silent /g/(g-deletion) - when it occurs before a syllable-final nasal or word initially before nasal

ex) /sign/, /design/ or /gnosis/, /agnostic/ - the evidence that show how we know that these words contain /g/ sound is the morphologically associated words such as signature, agnostic

+ disappearing /r/ - loss of the first noninitial /r/ in a word that has another /r/ in a following syllable

ex) February, governor, surprise, temperature

+ loss of initial /h/, /ð/ in pronominal forms in connected speech

ex) ask her, help him, tell them

+ /h/ before unstressed vowels, especially in non-word-initial position- tends to be deleted

ex) in(h)ibition, pro(h)ibition, pre(h)istoric

