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영어교육론 - Analyses of SLA(1)

by 늦깎이 학생 2022. 11. 22.

Analyses of SLA


1. contrastive analysis - explains and predicts problems based on a comparison between L1 and L2

strong version - predicts the difficulty before its occurrence

weak version(cross-linguistic influence) - explains the difficulty after its occurrence, based on recurring errors

minimal-pair practice - mechanical/meaningful minimal pair drills

limits - it only covers interference from L1, morpheme order study (emergence of grammatical morphemes is in a consistent order, regardless of age or L1)


2. inter-language (learner language, an incomplete system) - 노출된다는 것은 똑같이 틀리게 사용하는 것을 의미

pre-systematic stage - random errors

emergent stage - unable to correct errors when pointed out by others,

backsliding (regressive to some previous stage caused by overgeneralization - 이전에는 그냥 암기)

U-shaped learning (from the result of imitation to that of learner's perceiving it as separate lexical items)

systematic stage - able to correct errors when pointed out by others

stabilization stage - self-correction without being pointed out, fluent and meaningful, fossilization

+ fossilization - a relatively permanent incorporation of incorrect linguistic forms, it occurs because of lack of negative feedback or provision of positive feedback on errors, but it has possibility for further development.

+ restructuring - a qualitative change as a learner moves from stage to stage in development


3. error analysis - error is a part of a inter-language to attain L2(target language), a result of discrepancies between the learner's inter-language and the target language (cf) performance analysis - 좋은 점도 평가)

identification of errors

overt & covert - overt(sentence-level, ungrammatical) / covert(discourse-level, grammatical, but not interpretable within the context)

global & local - global(keep messages from being understood, problems in communication) / local(do not obstruct messages from being understood, so it does not threaten the flow)


sources of error

inter-lingual transfer (interference, negative transfer(positive transfer))

intra-lingual transfer (overgeneralization) - wrong application of rules (+simplification: use the same forms)

+ two causes of wrong application of rules

learners focus on semantic rather than grammar (transient)

learner's developmental stage is not sufficient for learning a certain grammar (natural order hypothesis, learnability hypothesis - follow a set of developmental order)(+ teachability hypothesis - the specific instruction coincides with the learners' next stage of development)

context of learning - faulty presentation of a word by a textbook or misleading explanation of a teacher

communication strategies - ex) vegetarianvegetarianist(word coinage)

+and are manifestations of the interaction of previously learned material with a presently learned items




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