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영어교육론 - Analyses of SLA(2)

by 늦깎이 학생 2022. 11. 23.

error treatment (error correction feedback) - maintain communicative flow, maximize self-correction

- positive(praise to correctness) / negative(corrective to learner's erroneous utterance) - implicit / explicit

implicit (not drawing the student’s overt attention to the error, communication-oriented)

recast(input) - provide well-formed utterance in an unobtrusive way(positive evidence) + negative evidence(if students notice an error), it helps to maintain flow(unobtrusive), unsuccessful uptake are caused by three factors

clarification request(output) - indicates to Ss that their utterances have been misunderstood because of the utterance ill-formed in some way(negative evidence), communication breakdown(obtrusive), elicit self-correction


explicit (drawing the student’s overt attention to the error - communication breakdown usually occurs)

explicit correction(input) - a clear indication to S that the form is incorrect and an explicit provision of correct form(reformulation of student's language), (negative evidence + positive evidence) - ex) you need to~

meta-linguistic feedback - use grammatical terms, but not a correct from - ex) what is the past tense of ~

elicitation - give S chance of self-correction - ex) He cleans the ???, How do you say x in English?

repetition - repeat the ill-formed part with a change in intonation, provide opportunity for self-correction


+ 만약 implicit하게 알려줬는데 notice가 일어나지 않거나(oblivious) 다른 학생의 interlanguage를 그대로 따라할 때 explicit하게 해줘야 함 to preclude fossilization(positive reinforcement elicits internalization of certain patterns)

+ feedback 후에는 self-correction(self-repair, pushed output)의 기회를 주어야 한다. - pushing


4. discourse analysis


coherence - consistency(unity) of content - ex) unrelated sentence, the relationship between main ideas and supporting details (+ Establishing coherence is a matter of readers and listeners using their linguistic knowledge to relate the discourse world to the knowledge beyond the text itself)


cohesion - Logic of content(with cohesive devices) - pronouns(he, she), conjunction(however), substitutions (one, do) (+ the text can be superficially cohesive but makes no sense, not coherent)

+ cohesive devices랑 혼동 표현 : transition(words) - coherence에 영향, discourse markers - in spoken discourse

+ 좋은 cohesion을 성취하기 위해서는 transitional wordscohesive devices로 쓰는 것이 중요하다.

+ argumentative discourse structure are taught explicitly/implicitly - 직접 discourse marker을 배우면 explicitly


content - supporting detailsrichness, topicclearness, language use(grammar - minor grammar errors such as mechanics and syntactic complexity / vocabulary - elaborated, sophisticated, low-frequent words)


conversation analysis

adjacency pairs (request for info - provide info) - preferred/dis-preferred response(second pair part)

attention getting - topic nomination - topic development(turn-taking, interruption) - topic termination


classroom discourse analysis(exchange structure)

IRE (initiate - respond - evaluate) - use assessing questions(display Q) - form-focused, controlled

IRF (initiate - respond - feedback) - use assisting questions(referential Q) - meaning-focused, communicative

moves - single actions of questioning(initiating move), answering(responding move), feedback(follow-up move)

exchanges - question-answer-feedback combinations / transaction - lessons phrases usually bounded by discourse markers, such as Now, Then

feedback - elicit higher-level performance, stimulate natural turn-taking

+ meta lg(linguistic) - 언어에 대해 설명하는 언어 / object lg - 실제 언어 - 답안지 작성 시 quotation mark 필요




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