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영어교육론 - Learning Variables(1)

by 늦깎이 학생 2022. 11. 23.

Learner Variables


* learner styles - consistent and rather enduring tendencies or preferences within an individual

1. cognitive domain


field dependent - contextualized, holistic, focus on whole(less able to distinguish specific parts from whole)

field independent - decontextualized, analytic, focus on parts(able to ignore whole to find specific parts)


ambiguity tolerance

high - entertain(internalize) contradictory(incongruent) propositions (open-minded)

low - reject contradictory, incongruent propositions (close-minded)



reflective - slow, logical inferencing, 생각 후 행동, few errors

impulsive - fast, guessing, 행동 후 생각, many errors

+ balancing reflective and impulsive learners - giving rehearsal(preparation) time


visual / auditory / kinesthetic(운동성의) learning style



2. affective domain

motivation(intensity of feeling or drive) and orientation(a purpose of learning)

intrinsic motivation - just doing it is happiness, for their own sake, without apparent external reward

extrinsic motivation - the anticipation of an external reward(praise and prize)

integrative orientation - to be a part of a community of the target language speakers

instrumental orientation - acquire language as a means for attaining instrumental goals(furthering a career, reading technical materials, translation and so forth)


Inhibition - in order to protect one's fragile language ego(as human uses language as a means to understand and express oneself) from new language, inhibition hinders learners from learning new language


willingness to communicate (risk-taking + self-esteem, confidence, efficacy) - a state of readiness to engage in the L2 - know ego fragility, have firm belief, take calculated risks in attempting to use language

high - no daunted by a mistake low - do not want to make a mistake - fossilization

+ risk-taking - nervous but try to communicate / WTC - nervous, and it pushes me to do well


anxiety - facilitative anxiety(euphoric tension), debilitative anxiety(detrimental to one's self-efficacy)


* learner strategies - we have a number of possible options for solving a particular problem

1. learning strategy (input - to processing, storage, and retrieval of messages from others)

meta-cognitive - planning, monitoring(thinking about learning process as it is taking place), evaluating

cognitive strategies - used directly in dealing with the learning task - ex) note-taking

socio-affective - enhance opportunity to communicate with others or control one's own emotional conditions - ex) question for clarification




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