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영어교육론 - Learning Variables(2)

by 늦깎이 학생 2022. 11. 24.

2. communication strategy (output - how we productively express meaning, how we deliver messages to others)

avoidance strategy - topic, syntactic, lexical, phonological


compensatory strategy - meaning negotiation에 대한 uptake 전략 or maintain communication flow

prefabricated patterns - memorized phrases without internalized knowledge(where is ____)

appeal for help - ask for correct form (what is this in English?)

code-switching - use of L1 while speaking in L2 / cf) trans-languaging - bilingual students가 사용

circumlocution - describe or exemplify the object (the thing you open bottles)

approximation - 유사한 표현 (sail boat - ship)

word-coinage - make a new word / cf) cognate - 한 언어에서 단어가 다른 언어에서 모양이 비슷한 것

stalling(time gaining) - fillers or hesitation devices + back channeling(응답해주기)

literal translation - 직역 - 이게 L1 interference(error)의 원인(compensatory strategy)


* Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

lg determines a person's world view and mental activity - some universal properties bind us all together

linguistic determinism - wholly determined / linguistic relativity - interaction between language and culture


* bilingualism (+ additive - L1을 안 잊어버리고 / subtractive - L1을 잊어버리고)

coordinate - 각각의 의미체계를 가진다.(외국어 교육의 지향점) / compound - 하나의 의미치계(L1)


* second culture acquisition (sociocultural factor)

acculturation - the creation of a new identity with maintenance of native culture(heart of culture learning)


the stage of acculturation

excitement and euphoria

culture shock - the intrusion of cultural differences into their own self and security

culture stress - tentative recovery, and feeling of anomie and cultural homelessness

assimilation(abandon native language culture) or adaptation(revise native language culture)

+ optimal distance model - optimal cognitive and affective tension occurs at the third stage of acculturation


social distance - the cognitive and affective proximity of two cultures that come into contact within an individual (+ perceived/actual social distance)

+ parameters of social distance : dominance, integration(assimilation, acculturation, or preservation, the degree of enclosure), cohesiveness(group size, 응집력), congruence(similarity in their value and belief system, attitude toward each other), permanence(length of residence)

+ good language learning situation - target group is non-dominant, both groups desire assimilation, congruent, L2 group is small and noncohesive, and intends to remain in the target language area for a long time


cultural norms - proxemics - the study of the physical distance as well as their postures(자세), kinesthetics - physical contact with someone, haptics - any form of nonverbal communication paralinguistics(kinesics) - the study or use of non-vocal phenomena such as gestures and eye contact, oculesics - eye contact and eye movement, olfactory - smell, artifacts - the effects of clothing and ornamentation




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