Teaching reading
1. reading performances - ① oral - participation, pronunciation check, ② silent(enhance fluency)
⑴ intensive - reading a short passage to develop specific reading skills, focus on ⒜ linguistic(grammar and vocabulary) or semantic(content) details of a passage(literal meaning, implications, and rhetorical relationships), or ⒝ reading strategies(followed by exercises to check students' comprehension or strategies)
⑵ extensive - read many books for pleasure, pick up linguistic knowledge without realization(implicit learning), catch global and general meanings without comprehension exercises(+ 학생 수준에 맞는 - graded reader)
2. criteria for choosing text
① suitability (of the content) - interesting, challenging and relevant to students' needs
② exploitability(개발 가능성) - possibility for being integrated with other skills and used as instructional task
③ readability - whether the lexical and structural difficulty is suitable for the students level
④ authenticity - preserve captivating features(content, format, and tone) of the original material
3. comprehension level
① literal - understand literal meanings(what has been explicitly expressed in the text)
② reorganization(summary) - obtain info from various parts of a text and put them together in a new way
③ inferential - reading between the lines, catch not explicitly stated but implied meaning
④ evaluative(critical) - personal judgement about author's message
⑤ creative(appreciative) - emotionally and aesthetically sensitive to the author's message, techniques, and styles
4. reading strategies(expeditious reading)
① skimming - glancing rapidly for catching a general idea
② scanning - glancing rapidly for picking out specific information
③ semantic mapping(clustering) - visualize associative networks of thematically related words - receptive skills ex) meaning-construction map - process-oriented approach에서 meaning을 만들어가는 과정을 그림으로 표현
④ guessing - using compensatory strategies to fill the gaps in Ss' competence - ex) using contextual clues for unknown and new words
⑤ inferencing - identify ideas that are not explicitly stated, and inferencing is included in guessing
⑥ predicting - activate background knowledge for anticipating the text, which would be followed by the activities for checking accuracy or sharing ideas(monitoring)
⑦ evaluating - evaluate their answers by comparing their answers with a partner or teacher's answer key
⑧ cooperating - students are asked to work together to complete a task(socio-affective strategy)
5. teaching strategies - engage students in verifying the purpose for reading and strategies that assist them in getting at the meaning of the text (+ direct / indirect approaches of teaching strategic, efficient reading)
① modeling by the teacher - teachers show how to use the strategies effectively, and readers can follow it
② meta-cognitive awareness - aware of their own mental process(monitor their strategy or comprehension)
ex) think aloud protocol - teacher encourages students how to monitor their comprehension process by speaking out what he is thinking while reading. the good example of meta-cognitive awareness and modeling
6. reading activities with text
① dicto-comp - similar to dicto-gloss but without group work(+ controlled writing and grammar activities)
② reconstruction activity - with modified text, 학생이 추측을 통해 지문을 원래대로 되돌리게 한다.
⑴ text completion(cloze test) - T blanks out words and Ss predict them and reconstruct a text in pairs
⑵ sequencing - predict the logical order of a text
⑶ prediction - predict the next parts of a text, which is omitted beforehand - accuracy or share(open-ended)
③ analysis activity - with unmodified text, 교사가 지문에서 특정 자료를 골라 학생들에게 다양한 형태로 제공한다.
⑴ underlying - search for target words / ⑵ labelling - label some parts in the text
⑶ segmenting - break text into meaning or information units and label segments of text / ⑷ summary
⑸ graphic organizer - a visual representation to show relationship among concepts - hypertext, semantic mapping(strategy측면) - focus on text structure, examine relationships in a text, write well-organized summary
7. the sequence of teaching reading
① before(pre) reading - encourage strategies(skimming, scanning, predicting), activate schemata and teach vocabulary(meaning에 초점을 맞춰서 오늘 학습할 text와 연관 있는 단어를 학습)
② while reading - there are many facts or rhetorical devices that students should take note of, and the teacher should give students a sense of the purpose for reading
③ after reading - vocabulary teaching(사전 등을 이용하여 유의어, 반의어와 같은 word knowledge를 학습) and grammatical structures study(focus on form), identifying the author's purpose, discussing the author's line of reasoning(deep understanding), follow-up writing or speaking activities(integration with other skills)
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