Approaches and Methodologies of SLA
* Strategies-based instruction (SBI)
1. strategic investment - invest one's time and efforts on learning strategic skills
2. goals - ① to equip the students with the sense of successful strategy, ② to facilitate students to be aware of their own strength and weakness, ③ independent of classroom and autonomous when using strategy
3 features - ① identify learners' styles and potential strategies, ② use strategies to compensate for weak styles and capitalize on style advantages, ③ strategy is divided into direct(cognitive) and indirect(meta-cognitive), ④ incorporate SBI in communicative language course(by embedding strategic awareness in formal way)
* lexical approach - an important part of learning a language consists of being able to understand and produce lexical phrases and word combinations stored in the lexicon(mental dictionary) as chunks
1. lexical chunks(multi-word units) are basic elements of learning language, help develop fluency and accuracy
2. corpra or concordancing program을 통해 collocation(the restrictions on how words can be used together, a group of the words commonly used together)학습 - awareness raising activities(data-driven learning, inductive)
3. corpra program을 이용한 vocabulary dictionary
① 단어 차원과 구 차원으로 나눠서 제공 - 여러 층위에서 언어를 구사할 수 있는 능력을 키울 수 있다.
② 단어의 정의를 쉬운 paraphrase를 통해 usage를 말해준다 - 실제로 사용할 수 있는 절차적 지식으로 습득
③ 단어와 함께 이루는 collocation을 학습할 수 있다 - 문법적 정확도를 높일 수 있으며 표현적 언어 지도도 가능
④ 어휘의 실제 사용 빈도를 구어와 문어로 구분하여 제시 - 실제로 자주 사용하는 언어를 습득 - 의사소통능력신장
+ episode hypothesis - 연극적인 요소를 넣어 motivation을 상승
* communicative language teaching approach (CLT) - learning English to use(strong version of CLT)
1. notional-functional syllabus - sequenced according to frequencies of concept(notion) and purpose(function)
2. features - ① Learner-Centered Instruction, ② Cooperative and Collaborative Learning(work together to pursue goals, but cooperative is more structured exchange of information not just assistance), ③ Interactive Learning,
* task-based instruction (TBI) - using English to learn something by completing a task(weak version of CLT)
1. task - target task(궁극적으로 실생활에 쓰이는 과제), pedagogical task(교육적 목적으로 의도적으로 마련된 과제)
2. features - ① task completion has some priority, ② interaction-based ③ grammatical error is tolerated during the fluency-based activities, and taught in the later accuracy-based activities(focus on form)
3. task complexity - content(제시할 때 cognitive load), task{① 수행해야할 요소, ② 설명(많은 step으로 나누어), ③ 도움(scaffolding, underline), ④ task outcome(integration with other skills)}, grammatical awareness(evaluate할 때 grammar도 함께하거나 notice the gap을 통해서 내용뿐만 아니라 grammatical error도 확인)
4. task continuity(dependency) - the chain of activities together to form a sequence, in which one task should grow out of the ones that have gone before - ex) stress와 chunk를 배우고 세 번째는 이 두 개를 이용한 활동
5. task types in group work (+ Jigsaw - interdependence(상호의존성), accountability(책임감), social skills)
interactant relationship (누가 정보를 가지나) |
goal orientaion (그룹 내 결론) |
outcome options (정해진 답) |
jigsaw | two-way | convergent | closed |
information gap | one or two | ||
reasoning gap (inference) |
problem solving | |||
decision making | open | ||
opinion change | devergent |
* content-based instruction (CBI) - weak version
1. feature
① subject matter of language teaching is not grammar nor function, but authentic content
② content(influences the selection of language items) + communication(language learning occurs naturally)
2. different models of CBI
① Immersion model - primary focus is on the mastery of the content (language<academic)
② Sheltered - two teachers in one class (a language teacher and a subject teacher) (language<academic)
③ Adjunct - divided into an academic class and an a language class(only for NNS) (language=academic)
④ weak versions(language skills in specific areas) - English for occupational purpose, Theme-based(주제 중심 - meaningful topics are organizing elements of units and lessons) (language>academic)
* whole language education - ① 구어와 문어 간의 통합 ② 4 skills의 통합(integrate A into B - B가 중심)
* other methods
1. total physical response - listen to the command and respond in action(Auto-motor unit - contextualized)
2. audio lingual method - make a habit formation with repetition(preceduralization without rule instruction)
+ Present - practice - production (from accuracy to fluency)
3. culture-integrated language teaching - cultural awareness(pragmatic), use authentic expressions(linguistic)
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