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영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Ambiguity

by 늦깎이 학생 2022. 5. 21.

1. Lexical(semantic) ambiguity

polysemy (다의어 관계, 뜻에 유사성이 있다, 같은 단어) - ex) way(, 방법), court(법원, 궁전, 앞마당)

homonymy (동음이의어, 뜻에 유사성이 전혀 없다) - ex) bank(, 은행), smart(clever, burning sensation)


2. structural(syntactic) ambiguity - surface structure 상태에서 확인, relies on the principle of modification

ex) under no circumstances are passengers permitted to open the doors


ex) Mary saw [the man with a telescope] - Mary {saw [the man] with a telescope}

ex) Tom floated [the boat between the rocks] - Tom {floated [the boat] between the rocks}

ex) Tom interviewed [Tim in a tuxedo] - {Tom interviewed [Tim] in a tuxedo}


ex) Tom gave [her] [dog biscuits] - Tom gave [her dog] [biscuits]

ex) [superfluous] [hair remover] - [superfluous hair] [remover]

That(whether relative clause or complementiser)

ex) Tom told [Jack that he ran into] [something] - Tom told [Jack] [that he ran into something]

form의 차이

ex) The chicken is ready to eat - ready의 차이(형용사의 complementation 참고)

the chicken is ready to be eaten(ergative) the chicken is ready to eat something(unergative)

ex) Visiting relatives can be boring - visiting이 동명사인지 현재분사인지

It can be boring to visit relatives(nominal) Relatives who are visiting can be boring(adjectival)

ex Time flies like an arrow - flies가 명사 like가 동사 / flies가 동사 like가 부사

whether the word is a participle or an adjective(passiveadjective 파트에서 자세히 정리)

ex) she is calculating (calculativefrank or counting our salaries)

ex) they were relieved (feel at ease or take turns with the next group)

ex) the shop is closed at 5 o'clock (at 5 o'clock, it is no longer open or someone closed it)

George wants the presidency more than Martha(he wants Martha or Martha wants presidency)


Case theory

- all overt NP must have(receive) case from case assigners(be assigned case by case assigners)

1. case assigners - assign case to assignee (structurally)

시제를 가진 절(+tense) - nominative case(주격)

타동사 - accusative case(목적격) ex) to open the bottle - the bottleopen으로부터 격 부여받음

전치사 - oblique case(전차사격)

ex) *It is likely Mary to be innocent, *I was pleased my sister to be pregnant - to-infinitival는 격 부여X

ex) *the city's recent dumping the garage - gerund는 격 부여O. , 동사이므로 형용사의 수식X / dumping을 명사로 본다면 NP가 격을 받았으니 Ndumping도 격을 받음. , the garage가 격 부여X

ex) *I don't know whether John to go to the party - whethercomplementizer이지만 격 부여X

+ inherent case - [_‘s] - genitive case(소유격), dative patterns - ex) John gave Mary a present

+ SSR에서 일어나는 두 개의 movement 중 마지막 movementcase를 받기 위해 이동하는 것이다

ex) () is likely Patrick to leave - Patrick is likely (trace) to leave

ex) *Patrick is likely that left - 이미 finite인 종속절에서 case를 받아서 이동이 필요가 없는데 이동(비문의 이유)

+ 위의 예문은 case의 비문을 설명할 때 ‘T nodenominative case를 줄 대상이 없어서 비문이다라고 해도 된다.


2. theta theory와 비교

thematic role(semantics과 연관, D-structure), case theory(syntax와 연관, S-structure)




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영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Ambiguity