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영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Binding theory

by 늦깎이 학생 2022. 5. 21.

basic concepts of binding theory

c-command - A node c-commands it sisters (sister가 무조건 존재), and all the daughters of its sisters

binding domain (locality constraints) - pronoun and anaphor should find its antecedent in the smallest clause(sentence가 아닌 the smallest embedded clause)(본 동사를 기준으로 찾으면 된다.) - 뒤에 심화

bound/free (binding constraints) - 선행사가 해당 요소를 c-command + co-index(, 수일치, indicating the same referent) - 둘 다 성립하면 (bound), 하나만 성립 안 해도 (free)

the antecedent c-commands Anaphor + the antecedent co-indexes Anaphor indicates bound

+ the antecedent must precede Anaphor ex) *himself invites Tom - 선행사가 anaphorc-command 못함


extended binding principle - AB는 서로 다르다.

A - Anaphor(reflexive, reciprocal) must bound within the smallest CP or DP containing anaphor and a potential antecedent (+ possessor DP in the specifier position of another DP is the subject)

ex) *Heidi(i) wants CP[Fred to kiss herself(i)], *John(i) believes DP[Mary's description of himself(i)]

B - Pronoun must be free within the smallest CP or DP containing pronoun in the specifier position

ex) *Heidi(i) likes her(i), Heidi(i) likes DP[her(i/k) violin], John(i) likes CP[his(i/k) violin to be played well]

- 이를 통해 CP[Heidi(i) said CP[that pictures of herself(i)] were embarrassing]]

CP[Heidi(i) said CP[that pictures of her(i)] were embarrassing]]이 둘 다 된다는 것을 알 수 있다.



data 1 (locality constraints) - violate locality constraints

ex) *Mary thinks [that John has hurt herself] - the distance between herself and Mary is too large

data 2 (raising/control) - whether anaphors or pronouns are in the same clause with the antecedents

ex) Mary believes herself [ (t) to be the best]

ex) *Mary believes her [ (t) to be the best]

ex) Mary believes Tom [ (t) to prove her]

ex) *Mary wants Tom [ (t) to prove him]

ex) *Tom wants [PRO to prove him]

ex) *Tom expect Mary [ (t) to admire himself] - the smallest clause

ex) They promised him [PRO(=they) to trust themselves]

ex) *They asked him [PRO(=him) to trust themselves]

ex) DP[which pictures of herself] did Chris like (t)?

- 이를 통해 선행사는 overt NP, trace, PRO 모두 된다는 것과 binding occurs after movement를 알 수 있다.

data 3 (specifier and c-command) - violate binding constraints(locality가 아닌 boundviolate)

ex) *Bill's sister invites himself

ex) Bill's sister invites herself

- specifier 자리에 들어가는 Bill‘s(NP)sisterc-command한다. - anaphorc-command하지 못한다.

ex) *supporters(coindex x) of the president may blame himself - the presidentsisterof 이다

+ 'support the president'니까 complement이다.

data 4 (binding domain을 설명하는 다른 이론) - Tensed S condition & Specified subject condition

Tensed S condition - binding outside the tensed clause is not allowed

ex) *John believes [that [himself is the best]] - that이 벽 역할을 한다.

Specified subject condition - binding across a potential antecedent(spec of DP or TP) is not allowed (specifier 자리가 definite이면 벽 역할(domain역할)을 하지만 indefinite하면 NPdomain역할을 못함.)

ex) *John believes [Mary's description of himself] - *'that Mary describes himself'와 비슷

ex) John believes [any description of himself] - (ECM construction- the subject of lower clause is case-marked(governed) by an outside governor)




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영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Binding theory