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영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Infinitive complement (V NP to VP) 구조의 구분(want, persuade, believe) - OS와 OR비교, believe want비교(1)

by 늦깎이 학생 2022. 5. 21.

* Object control case - persuade, tell, force, ask, order, permit, allow(for), forbid, advise (요구, 허락)

ex) John persuaded [Mary] [to see a doctor]

semantically - John persuaded Marry, and Marry sees a doctor(not an entire proposition)

ex) who did John persuade? (to see a doctor) - Marry / ex) *what did John persuade?


other structures (V + to VP, that complement X) - ex) *John persuaded () to see a doctor

matrix clause passive - ex) Jack was persuaded to feed the dog

pseudo cleft sentence - ex) *what Mary persuaded was [for Tom] [to be quiet] - focus에 두 개 안 됨


* Subject to object raising case - believe, want, expect

1. believe case의 특징 - consider, prove, help, know, suppose, understand, think, imagine, find / type 4

ex) John believes {(Bill) [(t) to be taller than him]} / + The manager considered Bill silly

cf) They consider (Tom) to be a fool, ex) That proves (her) to be true (얘들은 SC도 됨, for이 안 됨)

semantically - John believed an entire proposition, namely Bill's being taller than him

ex) What did John believe?(질문은 가능) - *for Bill to be taller than him (for NP가 불가) (= pseudo cleft X)

ex) Who did John believe? (to be taller than him) - Bill - main verbobject역할


other structures (V + to VP, that complement)

ex) *John believes PRO to be taller than him / ex) John believes that Bill is taller than him

passivization(matrix and embedded)

ex) Bill believes the prize to be won by Robert(embedded) - The prize is believed to be won by Robert

ex) Bill is believed (by John) to be taller than him(matrix) / *it is believed [Bill to be taller than him]

ex) Bill is likely to ~ /*It is likely [Bill to ~] / It is believed that Bill is ~ / It is likely that Bill is ~


2. want case의 특징 - demand, hate, hope, love, prefer, wish, like, desire, dread, long, arrange / type 1

ex) John wanted {(Mary) [(t) to see a doctor]}

semantically - John wanted an entire proposition, namely Mary's seeing a doctor

ex) What did John want? - for Mary to see a doctor (for이 필수) / ex) *Who did John want?


other structures (V + to VP, that complement)

ex) I want PRO to see you / ex) *I want that steve will win (+ hope, wishthat절을 complement로 취함)

matrix clause passive - ex) *Mary is wanted to see you / [for Mary to see you] is wanted by me

pseudo cleft sentence - ex) what Mary wanted was [for Tom to be quiet] (for이 필수)


3. expect case의 특징 - intend (wantbelieve의 특징을 모두 가지고 있다. - complex-transitive verb)

ex) Tom expected {(Jack) [ (t) to feed the dog]}, ex) John intended that to happen - SOR

semantically - 둘 다 된다.

ex) what does Tom expect? - for Jack to feed the dog / ex) who does Tom expect (to feed it)? - Jack

syntactically - 둘 다 된다.

other structures (V + to VP, that complement)

ex) John expected PRO to win / ex) John expected that Brazil will be a fantastic place

passivization(matrix and embedded)

ex) [for Brazil to be a good place] is expected / ex) Brazil is expected (by John) to be a good place

ex) That was never intended to happen / ex) John expected the dog to be fed by Jack

pseudo cleft sentence - ex) what Tom expected was [for Jack to feed the dog]

+ (V NP to VP)이지만 subject control - infinitive clause subject is the superordinate subject - promise

ex) Barnett promised him to examine Tom - Barnett is semantically linked to the embedded predicate

+ Matrix clause passive가 된다는 것은 the second NP is object of the matrix clause를 의미한다.(believe)

+ Pseudo cleft sentence가 된다는 것은 the second NP is subject of the embedded clause를 의미한다.(want)

+ Expect case는 둘 다 되니까 - the second NP of the verb 'expect' seems to behave both as subject of the embedded clause and direct object of the matrix clause




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영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Infinitive complement (V NP to VP) 구조의 구분(want, persuade, believe) - OS와 OR비교, believe want비교(1)