type 1 essential, important (+ it is natural for them to be together = it is natural that they (should) be ~)
ex) It is essential (that we take three meals a day) / ex) it is essential (for us to take three meals a day)
ex) *we are essential to take three meals a day - SSR(x), we가 essential한 건 아니다.
type 2 foolish(행동에 대한 주관적인 평가 = evaluative of human behavior)
ex) *it is splendid that you make such a mistake / ex) it is splendid (of you to make such a mistake)
ex) you are splendid to make such a mistake - SSR(o), infinitive clause의 주어도 you
type 3 emotive adjective - afraid, ashamed, disappointed, glad, happy, relieved, surprised
ex) I'm sorry (PRO) to have kept you waiting - infinitive clause의 주어도 I / cf) *I'm sorry of me to ~
ex) I'm sorry because(that) I have kept you waiting - the infinitive clause expresses causation
type 4 probability(확실성) - apparent, (un)clear, evident, obvious, plain, (im)probable, well-known
ex) it is true that he is a genius / ex) *it is true for him to be a genius / ex) *he is true to be a genius
type 5 possibility(가능성) - (un)likely, about, going, bound, liable, supposed, set, certain
+ (apt, sure) - to 부정사만 됨
ex) it is certain that he will pass the test - that절이 사실성을 전제함
ex) he is certain to pass the test - to complement는 가능성을 나타냄
ex) *it is certain for him to pass the test - analogue construction involving(with) extraposition (X)
type 6 easiness and difficulty - easy, difficult, hard, impossible, tough, simple, dangerous / problem
+ emotional attitude to difficulty - (un)pleasent, fun, wonderful, boring, expensive, nice, odd / pain, surprise, pleasure
ex) *it is easy (that we please him) / ex) *we are easy to please him
ex) (for us to please him) is easy - analogue construction involving(with) an infinitive clause subject
ex) it is easy (for us to please him) - analogue construction involving(with) extraposition
ex) he is easy for us to please(transitive verb) - he가 아니라 he를 기쁘게 하기 쉬운 것(tough movement)
type 7 능력, 의지 - (un)able, eligible, free, fit, available, ready, welcome, willing, reluctant, anxious, eager
ex) John is eager PRO to please - John이 please / ex) you are free to go - you가 free - type 2, 3와 같음
type 8 ready, available, free, fit, sufficient, beautiful, suitable, soft, pretty
ex) The food is ready for children to eat / ex) the food is free to eat - the food가 먹는 게 아니다 - 부정사의 주어와 주절의 주어가 다르다.(unspecified) / the food를 먹기 free하다 - tough와 같고, eager와 다르다
ex) the lamb is ready to eat(=the lamb is ready to be eaten) - a passive clause without meaning change
+ ambiguity - the lamb is ready to eat something(type 7) / the lamb is ready to be eaten(type 8)
ex) the food is ready - tough type에서 the book is easy to read는 되지만 *the book is easy는 안 됨
ex) *(to eat the food) is ready / ex) *it is ready (to eat the food) - tough와 다르고, eager와 같다