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영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Passive sentence(2)수동태

by 늦깎이 학생 2022. 5. 21.

2. V+PP (passive look-alikes)

participial adjective(분사형 형용사, adjectival passive, stative passive, pseudo passive, satal passive)

do not have their active counterparts (ergative는 상응하는 타동사가 존재, form이 능동)

ex) the library is located on the other side of the post office

ex) someone locate(finds out) the library on the other side of the post office (능동이 있지만 같은 뜻 x)

identified using ‘very, too’(not much or immediately) / function as a complement of seem, appear

ex) she saw that the vase was smashed. - the vase was very smashed / the vase appears smashed

ex) he was amazed and frightened - he was too amazed and frightened / he seems amazed n frightened

consider, findcomplement - ex) I find it appealing, ex) I consider it good, ex) I find it smashed

function as modifiers within a noun phrase / can take preposition such as 'with'

ex) John found a broken guitar at home / ex) I am done with the chemistry assignments

ambiguity - ex) the man was surrounded / ex) the man was offended / (by or with many - indicator)

past participle of verbs(dynamic passive)

수동의 의미, 상응하는 능동 존재 / resultative phrase o (theme) (+ ergative도 가능)

ex) the vase was smashed into a thousand pieces / someone smashed the vase into a thousand pieces

can take NP or AdjP predicate complement

ex) Nixon's statement was considered profound, Nixon was elected president in 1968, he is called a shit

identified using 'much' or 'immediately' - ex) he is (immediately, much) surrounded by many(행위자)

+ Transitive verbs which exceptionally fail to undergo the verbal passive rule fail to form adjectival one

ex) *a widely-resembled face(*He is resembled by John), *the lacked resources, *the humor-eluded man


3. get passive

can't occur with 'cognition' verbs

ex) *his solution to the problem get (known, understood, recognized) by everyone

with human subject - ex) I got invited - 초대되려고 노력함 / I am invited - 아무런 노력 없이 초대받음


4. get stative passive

do not have active counterparts (상응하는 능동이 없다)

ex) he got stuck(갇히다) in the elevator / ex) someone stuck(집어넣다) him in the elevator (같은 뜻 x)

preceded by 'more and more'

ex) education is getting more and more specialized / ex) *we're getting more and more paid


5. middle voice - allow the object to be a subject of an intransitive clause without changing voice

ergative (unaccusative, non-agentative dynamic intransitive)

- 행위성이 있다(by itself 붙여보기, imperative가 가능), natural change of state

paired - 상응하는 타동사를 가진다. ex) the window broke *(by the gang) - someone broke the window

unpaired - ex) the accident happened, occurred, faint, appeared

middle verb(construction) - 행위성이 없으며(no imperative), 주어의 속성(특징)을 나타낸다.(generic property)

ex) Bureaucrats bribe easily(adverbials are obligatory), ex) the book sold quickly, the cloth washes well,




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영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Passive sentence(2)수동태