1. types of multi-word verb
① phrasal verb (a particle makes a natural unit with the lexical verb that precedes it)
⑴ intransitive phrasal verb
⒜ pure - Tom [sat up] - agent / ⒝ ergative - a number of problems have [cropped up] - theme
⑵ transitive verb
⒜ separable phrasal verb - Tom [looked up] the address/ [looked the address up]
⒝ inseparable phrasal verb - I [came across] an interesting scenery
⒞ permanently separated phrasal verb - that job is getting Tom down
② prepositional verb - he applied(이것만으로 의미완료) [for the job] - pp는 V(head)의 sister(complement)
③ free combination - I swam / across the river - pp는 V'의 sister(adjunct) - below the river도 된다.
④ phrasal prepositional verb - [put up with](참다), [look in on](잠깐 방문하다), [get away with](잘 해내다)
+ passive - his behavior has to be [put up with] / adverbial insertion - I haven't [keep up fully with] it
+ free combination & prepositional verb & separable phrasal verb 구분
ex) we called / after lunch - free combination
ex) we called [on the dean] - prepositional verb
ex) we [called up] the dean - separable phrasal verb
+ paired ergative phrasal verb - ergative인데 transitive counterpart가 있는 것
ex) the ship [blew up] / ex) the terrorists [blew up] the ship - the terrorist [blew the ship up]
+ Separable transitive phrasal verbs - bear out(support), beef up(fortify), blow up(inflate), break in(길들이다), break out(unveil, make available), bring up(broach), bring off(execute a task successfully), brush off(reject), clean out(remove), clear up(resolve), check out(investigate), empty out(remove something from a container), fill in(supply information), fill out(complete a blank), get back(reacquire), give back(return), jot down(낙서하다), make out(discern, recognize), pick out(select), pick up(acquire, obtain, fetch), look over(examine), look up(find information), put out(place outside, extinguish), set up(arrange, erect), sort out(solve, separate), take on(undertake, assume 특정 모습을 띠다), try on(test for size), talk over(discuss), track down(find, locate 위치를 알아내다), work out(develop, solve), work over(bead badly), zip up(close)
+ Prepositional verbs - allow for, approve of, bank on(~에 의지하다), call on(visit), comment on, conform to, consent to, enlarge on(expand in greater detail), go through(search, pass through), hint at, hope for, lie about, part with, reason with, resort to, see about(attend to something), serve as, stand for(represent), tamper with, wait on, watch for, deal with
+ Pure intransitive phrasal verbs - ask around(inquire), back down(retreat), back up(reverse direction), bend over(incline body forward), branch out(extend), butt in(interrupt), butt out(stop involving oneself), check in(register), check out(leave), come forward(present oneself), come over(visit), fight back(resist), forge ahead(progress), get away(escape), get by(survive), leave off(stop), move on(keep moving), set off(begin a journey), slip up(make a mistake), stay on(continue), strike out(lose, begin a journey)
+ Inseparable transitive phrasal verbs - bump into, come upon(encounter), come across(discover), come by(acquire), get over(recover from), fall for(become attracted to), hit on(make romantic overtures on), level with(tell the truth to), look after(care for someone), look into(investigate), pick on(mistreat, fool + put someone on), run across(discover), run into(encounter), stand by(support), go on(scrutinize)
+ permanently separated transitive verbs - see trough it(not deceived), see the ordeal through(survive), get it through(convey), get through it(finish), getting down the box(내리다), get him down(depress)