1. noun - 명사를 나눌 때 가장 기본적인 기준은 가산 명사와 불가산 명사로 나누는 것이다.
noun | a noun | the noun |
눈에 안 보임 or 머릿속에 개념이 생각남 셀 수 없다(sand) ex) 교육 |
눈에 보임 or 머릿속에 전형적인 예 셀 수 있다 ex) a Picasso - 피카소와 같은 |
눈에 보임 or 구체적인 대상 ex) Picasso - 피카소 |
① 단수를 나타내지만 복수인 명사 - scissors, shears(큰 가위), glasses, pants, trousers, and shorts are
② 셀 수 있는 집합명사 : (집단 전체 - 단수), (집단 속 개인 - 복수) ex) fruit, fish, personnel cattle
③ 셀 수 없는 집합명사 : ex) mail, news, baggage, clothing, merchandise, equipment, poetry, transportation
④ 추상명사 : 개념을 나타내면 셀 수 없고, 전형적인 예를 나타내면 셀 수 있다 - success(성공), a success(성공작)
⑤ the great critic and poet is - 훌륭한 비평가이자 시인인 그는
⑥ plural units of measurements and time are considered singular ex) 20 pounds, five minutes is
pre-determiners | central-determiners | post-determiners |
① all, both, half ② fractions (two fifths, a quarter of) ③ multipliers (double, twice, three times, once) |
① quantifier (no, any, some, every, each, either, neither ② possessive(my, John's) ③ demonstrative(this, that) ④ article(a, the) |
① ordinal numbers (first, another, other, next, last) ② cardinal numbers + quantifier(many, much, few, little) + partitives (glass of) + phrasal quantifiers (a lot of) - they can co-occur in order ex) her(C) other(①) many(②) works |
2. determiner
① fractions other than 'half' are usually followed by an 'of-phrase' such as 'a quarter of', but as for time, distance, height, they are used as predeterminers without of-phrase such as 'two thirds the time'
+ fraction은 뒤에 반드시 관사를 동반한다 - half the amount / half는 of랑 같이 안 쓴다.
② multipliers with definite, demonstrative or possessive determiners apply to the noun such as 'twice the length', but they with indefinite article or each or every apply to a measure like 'twice each day'
ex) double the amount/ once a day/ four times every year/ twice each game
+ multiplier도 뒤에 반드시 관사를 동반한다 - double the amount
③ difference between partitives and phrasal quantifiers
⑴ a non-specific number ex) a lot of land goes vs 10 acres(specific) of land is(specific amount이면 단수)
⑵ can't be quantified ex) *two lots of / ⑶ quantifier can precede partitives - a couple of two pounds of
④ most, many, some, all, both, half (quantifiers)
⒜ most people(N) / ⒝ most of (my, the) friend [us] / ⒞ all, both (of) the men
⑤ all, both, each floating(구름처럼 둥둥 떠다닌다)
ex) I want (all of) my friends (all to be at the airport, to all be at the airport)
⑥ 서수 (ordinal numbers)나 최상급 앞의 정관사는 the - 순서를 나타낼 때만
ex) a [first impression] - 첫인상 / ex) the wounded were given [first aid] - 응급처치 행위
ex) English as a [second language] - foreign language
ex) a [second way] that oppressed people is ~ - 차선책
ex) unfortunately, I sent it [second class] - 이종 보통 우편으로 (부사), I travelled [second class] - 이등석으로
⑦ possessive determiner and genitive construction(of phrase)
ex) John's(central) last(ordinal) five(cardinal) attempts - animate한 NP엔 possessive determiner
ex) John's only portrait(ambiguous - John을 그린 그림, John이 그린 그림, John이 소유한 그림)
unambiguous - The only portrait of John's(John이 그린, 소유한), The only portrait of John(John을 그린)