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영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Nouns & determiners & adjectives & adverbials(2)(명사, 형용사, 부사)

by 늦깎이 학생 2022. 5. 22.

3. adjective

orders(sequences)of stacking adjectives

주관적 - 객관적 - 불변(속성)

주관적 - 크기 - 모양 - /- - 유래 - 재료 - 파생 - 불변(속성)

ex) an ugly, old, yellow, thin bucket

a noun corresponds to the head as object to verb

ex) a cardboard detergent container(contain detergent)

ex) my gas cigarette lighter(light a cigarette) / ex) *my cigarette gas lighter(light gas x)


positions of adjectives

attributive adjectives(한정적 형용사) - 명사 수식, adjunct - ex) tall owner(the owner is tall이 말이 된다)

associative adjectives - it describes nouns in terms of the entity associated with it, but the adjective does not express a property of the noun

ex) urban planning(?planning is urban), a moral dilemma(dilemma is moral X), economic reform

ex) the criminal lawyer - 형사사건 전문 변호사(앞에 de-nominal 형용사에 강세)/범죄자 변호사(뒤에 명사에 강세)

predicative adjectives(서술적 형용사) - 명사 수식 안 된다.

adjectives beginning with the prefix A - ex) alive, afloat, afraid, aghast(겁에 질린), asleep, awake

adjectives that take complements - ex) able to, liable to, prone to, devoid of, fraught with,

medical conditions or health - ex) ill, poorly, well / cf) sick - the sick woman, the man is sick


participial adjectives vs verb participles - passive에서 자세히 설명

very, too - only adjectives can be modified(pre-modification by the intensifier 'very' and 'too' is an explicit indication that the forms have achieved adjective status)

ex) John was too startled to move - *John was too startled by his boss

complex(raising) intransitive verbs(seem, become and appear) - only adjectives can be modified

ex) she is sleeping - *she seems sleeping / ex) he was killed - *he became killed

ambiguity - past participial adjectives describe a state, but past participles express the passive voice

ex) The shop is closed at five o'clock

- the shop is no longer open(is in a state of being closed) / At five o'clock someone closed the shop


gerunds(동명사) vs present participial adjectives(현재분사)

ex) a sleeping bag (용도, 목적 + 무생물)

ex) a sleeping baby (상태 진행 - a baby is sleeping + 생물)

+ (de-) nominal, verbal, adjectival, adverbial (ization)


adjective + preposition

adjective + about(at) - angry, annoyed, concerned, delighted, glad, happy, mad, pleased, upset

adjective + at - adept, aghast(경악한), alarmed, amazed, awful, disgusted, hopeless, indignant(분개한), terrible, mad - (psychological reaction) skilled, talented, gifted, great - (ability)

adjective + for - answerable, anxious(열망하는), bad, difficult, eager, easy, good, grateful, greedy, necessary, prepared, responsible, sorry

adjective + with - angry bored, busy, cautious, careful, conversant(통달한), cross, disappointed, enchanted, familiar, fed up(be sick of), fraught(걱정스러운), furious, happy, impatient, pleased, obsessed, riddled(be full of), satisfied, strict, tinged(~로 물들어 있다)


+ noun phrases are maximally comprised of four parts: determiner, pre-modifier, head, post-modifier

ex) His wife's / high / standing / in the office




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영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Nouns & determiners & adjectives & adverbials(2)(명사, 형용사, 부사)