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Phonetics(음성학) & Phonology(음운론) - Prosodic features(supra-segmental)(1)

by 늦깎이 학생 2022. 11. 15.

Prosodic(운율적인) features(supra-segmental) - 영어는 stress-timed language


1. stress - is a cover term for the prosodic features of duration, intensity, and pitch(prominence)

(+ rhythm, stress, tone - prosodic features에 해당하는 suprasegmental properties - unit이 가지는 속성)

lexical categories(syntactic word category, 품사) - 명사, 동사, 형용사, 부사 (+ affix와 함께 stress를 결정)

+ compound noun(morphology와 연관)noun phrase(adjective + noun, syntax와 연관)

ex) Redcoat(a British soldier) and red Coat(a coat that is red), and White house and white House


명사, 형용사 - penult(이는 ult는 제외한다는 것을 의미한다.)

+ exceptions

disyllabic, penult is schwa(not stressable) - ult(오른쪽으로 간다)

disyllabic, real exceptions

trisyllabic - penult, when penult is not stressable(lax + no coda) it goes left(antepenult)

trisyllabic, real exceptions - ult / + polysyllabic words(words with three or more syllables)


동사 - ult이 기본인데, if it is unstressable(lax 혼자 or lax + one coda), it goes left(penult)


+ exceptions

disyllabic, real exceptions

+ stressable, heavy, branching rhyme - lax vowel + coda / tense + (no)coda

+ extramaticality - there is a case where some element of phonological structure is invisible to a rule

ex) diagram - coda is ignored


secondary stress - a difference in pitch instead of stress(tonic accent)

[+tonic accent], [+stressed], [full vowel] - primary stress(보통 뒤에 - end focus)

[-tonic accent], [+stressed], [full vowel] - secondary stress(보통 앞에)

+ speaker's emphasis(emphatic stress) - primary stress

+ the primary and the secondary stresses are not next to each other, the primary is usually preceded



stress-bearing(attracting, attract stress) suffixes - heavy syllable

stress-neutral suffixes - all inflectional, some derivational suffixes

stress-shifting(fixing) suffixes

- if before suffix, heavy syllable exists, stress falls on the syllable immediately before the suffix

- if immediately before suffix is light, stress falls on the syllable immediately before the light syllable


stress in compounds

noun compounds adjective compounds

"noun + noun" (e.g. criminal 'lawyer)

verb compounds




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Phonetics(음성학) & Phonology(음운론) - Prosodic features(supra-segmental)(1)