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Phonetics(음성학) & Phonology(음운론) - English Consonants (3)

by 늦깎이 학생 2022. 11. 9.

* fricative - labio-dental /f, v/, interdental /θ, ð/, alveolar /s, z/, palato-alveolar /ʃ, ʒ/, glottal /h/


1. the length of the preceding vowels or sonorant consonants depend on the following fricative(stop 1)

ex) save [sev] > safe [sef], fens [fɛnz] > fence [fɛns], shelve [ʃɛlv] > shelf [ʃɛlf]


2. In the formation of the regular noun plurals, third person possessive marking, and marking of the third person ending in the simple present, sibilants(fricatives + affricates) play an important role.

+ schwa insertion - 자음과 자음의 충돌을 피하기 위해(sibilantz사이에 schwa)


The contraction with 'has' and 'is' in connected speech also occurs

+ contraction does not occur before sibilants


3. palatalization and labilization(appreciable lip-roundingfricative /ʃ, ʒ/만 가지고 있음)

- palatalization occurs when alveolar obstruents(stops and fricatives) are followed by palatal glide/j/

+ /t, d, s, z/ /ʧ, ʤ, ʃ, ʒ/ - 전체(generalization)place만 바뀜. /ʧ, ʤ/(restriction) manner도 바뀜

+ palato-alveolar fricatives are equally possible to palatalize anterior obstruents

ex) his shoes[hiʒ(z) ʃuz], nice shirt[naiʃ(s) ʃɚt]


4. interdental fricative deletion

- interdental fricatives /θ, ð/ may undergo the elision process (i.e. they may be left out) when they occur before the alveolar fricatives /s, z/ (+ devoicing - the assimilation at morpheme boundaries)

+ might have thought - [maIfθout] : function word deletion, devoicing(across morpheme boundary)(h-f/θ)


* affricates - palato-alveolar(ʧ, ʤ)


1. affricates are different from the other obstruents with respect to lengthening in geminates

- one long articulation with no separate release is not observed(de-gemination x)

ex) much cheaper [mʌʧ ʧipɚ], orange juice [ɔɹ̣ənʤ ʤus]

+ when vocing is different it also does not occur - ex) much jollier [mʌʧ ʤɔliɚ], large chair [lɑɹ̣ʤ ʧɛɹ̣]


2. affricates are phonetically made up of two sounds, but phonologically behave like one segment


