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고등 내용정리/영어내용정리80

Phonetics(음성학) & Phonology(음운론) - Phonological Rules Phonological rules - phonological rules apply to(operate on) phonemic strings to derive their phonetic pronunciations(to make explicit which allophones are pronounced in which environments) - A(phoneme) becomes B(allophone) when they are [followed(preceded) by, between, in the position of] C. + condition(environment)라고 하면 ‘같은 syllable 속’ ‘바로 앞 뒤 sound들의 natural class’를 생각 + phonetic condition(en.. 2022. 11. 7.
Phonetics(음성학) & Phonology(음운론) - Segmental classification Segmental classification + phonological features(+ [ ]: feature matrix, ex) [+nasality] : 자음에서 distinctive, 모음에서 non-distinctive) ① distinctive feature (non-redundant, phonemic - 음소차원 - rule로 포착이 안 된다) ② redundant feature (predictable - 규칙으로 표현 가능, 환경의 영향을 받는다, phonetic - 음성차원) 1. English consonant - vocing, place of articulation, manner of articulation (순서가 중요) ⑴ vocing ⒜ voiced - vocal cords a.. 2022. 11. 7.
전치사 표현 정리 (1) 전치사 IN ① 동사+전치사 believe in ~을 믿다 check in 체크인하다 enroll in ~에 등록하다 invest in ~에 투자하다 participate in ~에 참석하다 specialize in ~을 전문(전공)으로 하다 succeed in ~에 성공하다 drop in(by) ~을 방문하다 result in + 결과(~의 결과로 끝나다) cf.) result from + 원인(~에 기인하다) give in 항복(굴복)하다, (제안, 요구 등을) 수락하다 ② 명사+전치사 experience in 분야 ~분야에서의 경험 interest in ~에 대한 관심 change in ~에 있어서의 변화 advance in ~에 있어서의 진보, 발전 development in ~에 있어서의.. 2022. 10. 18.
영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Conjunction(접속사) ① coordinate conjunctions - coordination(and, but, or, nor, yet, so) - 같은 form ex) Tom was happy with Jack's decision, and so was Tim, too (도치 o) ex) Not only did Tom jump out of the room (도치 o), but also he slid on the floor (도치 x) ex) Just as Tom did in the room, so I wanted to jump and slide on the floor ex) [being a good flight attendant] means [making your passengers feel relaxed] - 같은 form.. 2022. 5. 22.
영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Indirect Objects(간접 목적어) 1. the prepositional(3형식) and dative(~을 받는 자리를 이끈다) movement(4형식) patterns DO - undergoes the action - theme / IO - the action is directed - goal ex) he gave [a beautiful ring] to [his friend] - deep structure(3형식) ex) he gave [his friend] [a beautiful friend] - surface structure(4형식) 2. to or for or both(to-성의가 없다, for-성의가 있다) ① TO - to dative verb(theme) - 한 번의 행동 ② FOR - for dative verb(benef.. 2022. 5. 22.
영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Negation(부정어구) 1. clausal - negation that yields a negative sentence ① verbal - primary negation - finite sentence - ex) my cousins aren't staying with me, are they? + verbal negation is marked either by negative inflection(didn't) or by modification of not(did not) ② nonverbal - negative words - ex) he hid no information, did he?(=he didn't hide any information) + while 'no' is only determiner, its scope can .. 2022. 5. 22.
영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Focus structure(강조 구문) 1. cleft sentences ① it-cleft - VP(x), adjP(rare) A: I hear that they are going to fire [the secretary of state] B: No, it's [the secretary of defense] who they want to fire - mostly for contradicting ② wh-cleft, reversed wh-cleft - VP(o), adjP(rare), preP(except locative or temporal - when or where X) A: they served us some kind of [white beverage] - but A's topic was distracted by others A: we.. 2022. 5. 22.
영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Non-referential there and it(비지칭 there과 it) * non-referential It - ① does not refer to anything, ② has no particular meaning by itself, ③ simply fills(can be placed in) the subject position of the sentence (+ weather "it" - ex) it's raining) + subject position(subjecthood) test ex) Is it raining - subject-aux inversion in yes/no question / ex) it's been raining all day - contraction ex) it was raining, wasn't it(이 자리에 주어가 나와야한다.) - tag qu.. 2022. 5. 22.
영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Conditionals(가정법) 1. factual ① timeless - 시간에 상관없이 언제나, when이나 whenever로 바꿀 수 있다. 주절과 종속절 동사의 모양새가 같다. ⑴ generic(조건 - 결과, 물리법칙 같은 거) - if + simple present / simple present ex) if you boil water, it vaporizes ⑵ habitual(현재(과거)의 습관) - if + simple present(past) / (usually) simple present(past) ex) if I wash dishes, Sally (usually) dries them, ex) If Nancy said "jump", Bob (usually) jumped ② time-bounded - 한정적 시간 안에,.. 2022. 5. 22.