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고등 내용정리/영어내용정리80

영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Relative clause(관계절) 1. restrictive(선행사와 같은 종류의 여러 명 중 한 명) / non-restrictive(선행사 그 놈) + restrictive - narrow down the reference / non-restrictive - provide additional information of the head ① punctuation - restrictive(no punctuation) / non-restrictive(punctuation exists) ② intonation - restrictive(no fluctuation) / non-restrictive(pause and falling) ③ modification of proper nouns(고유명사) - restrictive(x) / non-restr.. 2022. 5. 22.
영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Lexical aspect(2) 5. telic/atelic ① for - 기간 + 과정 = atelic(stative, activity) / in - 기간 + 완료 = telic(achievement, accomplishment) ② 'in' with achievement(the time that elapses before the event)and accomplishment(duration of the event) ③ for과 in이 둘 다 쓰이는 경우 ex) He solved the problems for(in) two hours - problems가 복수라서 for의 경우 풀린 문제도 있고 안 풀린 문제도 있다는 의미이고 in의 경우 모든 문제를 다 풀었다는 의미(solve the problem은 achievement) ex) h.. 2022. 5. 22.
영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Lexical aspect 1. stative verb (상태동사) ① continuous, no change of state for a long time ② no end point(atelic) - start, stop(o), finish(x) ③ not normally occur in progressive aspect ④ can't occur with manner adverbs(how), imperative ex) *she understood methodically, ex) *know it ⑤ no pseudo cleft ex) *what bill did(동작) was resemble Tom + stative progressive ⑴ the operation is really costing a lot of money (emot.. 2022. 5. 22.
영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Nouns & determiners & adjectives & adverbials(3)(명사, 형용사, 부사) 4. adverbial - adverb(form) as adverbial(grammatical function) - adjunct, subjunct, disjunct ① adjuncts - resemble the sentence elements. adjunct can be the focus of a cleft sentence ⑴ predication - 서술어와 의미가 연결됨: John carefully drives his car - *it is carefully the case that John ⒜ obligatory - complement로서 역할, put은 internal argument를 2개 가짐 ex) she [put] the letter [on the kitchen table] ex) she.. 2022. 5. 22.
영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Nouns & determiners & adjectives & adverbials(2)(명사, 형용사, 부사) 3. adjective ① orders(sequences)of stacking adjectives ⑴ 주관적 - 객관적 - 불변(속성) ⑵ 주관적 - 크기 - 모양 - 신/구 - 색 - 유래 - 재료 - 파생 - 불변(속성) ex) an ugly, old, yellow, thin bucket ⑶ a noun corresponds to the head as object to verb ex) a cardboard detergent container(contain detergent) ex) my gas cigarette lighter(light a cigarette) / ex) *my cigarette gas lighter(light gas x) ② positions of adjectives ⑴ attribu.. 2022. 5. 22.
영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Nouns & determiners & adjectives & adverbials(1)(명사, 형용사, 부사) 1. noun - 명사를 나눌 때 가장 기본적인 기준은 가산 명사와 불가산 명사로 나누는 것이다. noun a noun the noun 눈에 안 보임 or 머릿속에 개념이 생각남 셀 수 없다(sand) ex) 교육 눈에 보임 or 머릿속에 전형적인 예 셀 수 있다 ex) a Picasso - 피카소와 같은 눈에 보임 or 구체적인 대상 ex) Picasso - 피카소 ① 단수를 나타내지만 복수인 명사 - scissors, shears(큰 가위), glasses, pants, trousers, and shorts are ② 셀 수 있는 집합명사 : (집단 전체 - 단수), (집단 속 개인 - 복수) ex) fruit, fish, personnel cattle ③ 셀 수 없는 집합명사 : ex) mail, .. 2022. 5. 22.
영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Multi-word verbs(2)(동사구) 2. the distinction between prepositional(natural unit with NP) verbs and phrasal verbs(natural unit with V) ① syntactic test ⑴ adverb insertion ex) we turned quickly [off the road] - pre o / ex) *we [turned quickly off] the light - phra x ⑵ phrase fronting ex) [up the hill] John ran - pre o / ex) *up] the bill John [ran - phra x ⑶ wh- fronting(also relative clauses) ex) [about what] does he writ.. 2022. 5. 22.
영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Multi-word verbs(1)(동사구) 1. types of multi-word verb ① phrasal verb (a particle makes a natural unit with the lexical verb that precedes it) ⑴ intransitive phrasal verb ⒜ pure - Tom [sat up] - agent / ⒝ ergative - a number of problems have [cropped up] - theme ⑵ transitive verb ⒜ separable phrasal verb - Tom [looked up] the address/ [looked the address up] ⒝ inseparable phrasal verb - I [came across] an interesting scen.. 2022. 5. 21.
영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Passive sentence(3)(수동태) 6. ergative(지 혼자) vs passive(누구에 의해서) ① the agent is unidentified - ex) the bank closes (at 5pm) - agent가 전제되지 않은 문맥에서는 수동형 불가 ② so many possible causes for a change (the agent is innumerous) ex) price increased due to a lot of factors, ex) the door swung open ③ to create an aura of mystery or suspense - 지 혼자 일어나니까 ex) we were sitting quietly after dinner, when suddenly the door opened (by itsel.. 2022. 5. 21.