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고등 내용정리/영어내용정리80

영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Passive sentence(2)수동태 2. V+PP (passive look-alikes) ① participial adjective(분사형 형용사, adjectival passive, stative passive, pseudo passive, satal passive) ⑴ do not have their active counterparts (ergative는 상응하는 타동사가 존재, form이 능동) ex) the library is located on the other side of the post office ex) someone locate(finds out) the library on the other side of the post office (능동이 있지만 같은 뜻 x) ⑵ identified using ‘very, too’(n.. 2022. 5. 21.
영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Passive sentence(1)(수동태) 1. constraints on forming passive sentences ① stative verbs (do not affect the object, so that they do not have corresponding passive versions) - contain, cost, equal, fit, lack, last, resemble ex) in many ways, Agnes resembles my mother ex) *in many ways, my mother was resembled by Agnes ② multi-word verbs ⑴ separable phrasal verbs - usually possible ex) Maggie looked up the address - the addre.. 2022. 5. 21.
영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Complement(보어) 1. that complement ① factive predicates - the complements of them are assumed to be a fact - indicative verbs(사실만 전달) + that 대신에 if/whether - interrogative, negative, uncertainty verbs(ask, doubt, want to know) ② suasive predicate - ask, demand, insist, suggest, move(동의하다) - present subjunctive, putative should + insist와 suggest는 factual and suasive 둘 다 가능 - He insisted that she (didn't / not) s.. 2022. 5. 21.
영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Pronouns(대명사) 1. reflexive pronouns(재귀 대명사) ① non-emphatic(비-강조) - lexical(reflexive verbs), anaphoric(referring to preceding NP- binding principle) ⑴ reflexive verbs - some verbs only take a reflexive pronoun as an object - pride oneself on, commit oneself to, apply oneself to (~에 전념하다), acquit oneself of (책임을 다하다) - adjust (oneself) with, behave (oneself), shave (oneself) with, wash (oneself) ⑵ anaphoric - .. 2022. 5. 21.
영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Syntactic differences of adjectives type 1 essential, important (+ it is natural for them to be together = it is natural that they (should) be ~) ex) It is essential (that we take three meals a day) / ex) it is essential (for us to take three meals a day) ex) *we are essential to take three meals a day - SSR(x), we가 essential한 건 아니다. type 2 foolish(행동에 대한 주관적인 평가 = evaluative of human behavior) ex) *it is splendid that you make su.. 2022. 5. 21.
영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Infinitive complement (V NP to VP) 구조의 구분(want, persuade, believe) - OS와 OR비교, believe want비교(1) * Object control case - persuade, tell, force, ask, order, permit, allow(for), forbid, advise (요구, 허락) ex) John persuaded [Mary] [to see a doctor] ① semantically - John persuaded Marry, and Marry sees a doctor(not an entire proposition) ex) who did John persuade? (to see a doctor) - Marry / ex) *what did John persuade? ② syntactically ⑴ other structures (V + to VP, that complement X) - ex) *John.. 2022. 5. 21.
영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Raising and Control 1. raising - movement와 연관 - trace가 생김 ex) __ seemed ([barnet] [to understand the formula]) - D structure - Barnet is assigned the thematic role of experiencer as the subject of understand. ex) It seemed that Barnet understood the formula - 'It' receives no thematic role(expletive, EPP) ex) *It seemed Barnet to understand it - the spec of main TP is already occupied by 'it' ex) (Barnet) seemed [ .. 2022. 5. 21.
영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Binding theory ① basic concepts of binding theory ⑴ c-command - A node c-commands it sisters (sister가 무조건 존재), and all the daughters of its sisters ⑵ binding domain (locality constraints) - pronoun and anaphor should find its antecedent in the smallest clause(sentence가 아닌 the smallest embedded clause)(본 동사를 기준으로 찾으면 된다.) - 뒤에 심화 ⑶ bound/free (binding constraints) - 선행사가 해당 요소를 c-command + co-index(성, 수일치, indi.. 2022. 5. 21.
영어 신택스(Syntax) 및 문법 정리(Grammar) - Ambiguity 1. Lexical(semantic) ambiguity ① polysemy (다의어 관계, 뜻에 유사성이 있다, 같은 단어) - ex) way(길, 방법), court(법원, 궁전, 앞마당) ② homonymy (동음이의어, 뜻에 유사성이 전혀 없다) - ex) bank(둑, 은행), smart(clever, burning sensation) 2. structural(syntactic) ambiguity - surface structure 상태에서 확인, relies on the principle of modification ex) under no circumstances are passengers permitted to open the doors ① PP ex) Mary saw [the man with.. 2022. 5. 21.