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영어교육론 - Teaching Grammar Teaching grammar - lesson aim(objective)에 target structure에 관한 이야기(학습)가 꼭 포함되어야 한다. * form-focused instruction - any planned or incidental instructional activity that is intended to induce learners to pay attention to linguistic form and pronunciation, which includes focus on form(it deliberately draws S's attention to linguistic forms within the meaningful context), focus on forms(formal instru.. 2022. 11. 30.
영어교육론 - Teaching Writing Teaching writing 1. product/process-oriented approach ① product-oriented approach - focus on outcome, feedback on form and mechanics(error-free), try to meet criteria and predetermined features, use the model(sample) text as a source for imitation ② process-oriented approach - learn how writing is done, including various steps of rewriting, feedback on idea(content and organization), use the mod.. 2022. 11. 30.
영어교육론 - Teaching Speaking (2) 6. teaching cycle for developing students' speaking ① focus learner's attention on speaking ② provide input or guide planning ③ conduct speaking tasks - students need planning time(rehearsal time) for preparing what to say before they actually speak, which enhance fluency, accuracy, complexity ④ focus on language, discourse, skills and strategies(focus on form) ⑤ repeat the task ⑥ direct learner.. 2022. 11. 29.
영어교육론 - Teaching Speaking (1) Teaching speaking 1. principles ① plan the tasks that involve negotiation of meaning and use authentic contents ② personalization - an activity which allows students to apply what they have learned to their own lives and to express their own ideas, feelings, preferences and opinions, which helps enhance inner motivation + content를 personalize하여 표현하는 것을 의미 - personalize the content, personalized .. 2022. 11. 29.
영어교육론 - Teaching Listening Teaching listening 1. types of talk(speech)(dialogue의 경우 language function(purpose) of listening) ① monologue - planned/unplanned ② dialogue - interactional(interpersonal, social relationship), transactional(conveying information) 2. type of input ① roughly-tuned input - focus on meaning, can be beyond the student's level ② finely-tuned input - more carefully controlled to student's level in ter.. 2022. 11. 28.
영어교육론 - Teaching Reading Teaching reading 1. reading performances - ① oral - participation, pronunciation check, ② silent(enhance fluency) ⑴ intensive - reading a short passage to develop specific reading skills, focus on ⒜ linguistic(grammar and vocabulary) or semantic(content) details of a passage(literal meaning, implications, and rhetorical relationships), or ⒝ reading strategies(followed by exercises to check stude.. 2022. 11. 28.
영어교육론 - Techniques of SLA Techniques of SLA * drills - practice minimal numbers of language forms 1. controlled(manipulative)/free(communicative) drill(technique) ① controlled(manipulative) drill - teacher-centered, structure and form, predicted responses, planned objectives ② free(communicative) drill - student-centered, open-ended, unpredicted responses, negotiated objectives + processing - controlled processing(consci.. 2022. 11. 25.
영어교육론 - Approaches and Methodologies of SLA Approaches and Methodologies of SLA * Strategies-based instruction (SBI) 1. strategic investment - invest one's time and efforts on learning strategic skills 2. goals - ① to equip the students with the sense of successful strategy, ② to facilitate students to be aware of their own strength and weakness, ③ independent of classroom and autonomous when using strategy 3 features - ① identify learner.. 2022. 11. 25.
영어교육론 - Syllabus Syllabus (+ objectives - ① language use(expressions), ② 학습에 관한 것(문화, 문법), ③ "will be able to" 'action verb') 1. types of syllabus(+ syllabus - topic, form, assignment and schedule for a course) ① synthetic syllabus- divide L into the pieces and synthesize them, teach predetermined forms in a fixed order ⑴ grammatical syllabus(structural syllabus) - teach 'form' explicitly(focus on forms) - ex) t.. 2022. 11. 24.
영어교육론 - Learning Variables(2) 2. communication strategy (output - how we productively express meaning, how we deliver messages to others) ① avoidance strategy - topic, syntactic, lexical, phonological ② compensatory strategy - meaning negotiation에 대한 uptake 전략 or maintain communication flow ⑴ prefabricated patterns - memorized phrases without internalized knowledge(where is ____) ⑵ appeal for help - ask for correct form (wha.. 2022. 11. 24.
영어교육론 - Learning Variables(1) Learner Variables * learner styles - consistent and rather enduring tendencies or preferences within an individual 1. cognitive domain ① FD/FI ⑴ field dependent - contextualized, holistic, focus on whole(less able to distinguish specific parts from whole) ⑵ field independent - decontextualized, analytic, focus on parts(able to ignore whole to find specific parts) ② ambiguity tolerance ⑴ high - e.. 2022. 11. 23.
영어교육론 - Analyses of SLA(2) ③ error treatment (error correction feedback) - maintain communicative flow, maximize self-correction - positive(praise to correctness) / negative(corrective to learner's erroneous utterance) - implicit / explicit ⑴ implicit (not drawing the student’s overt attention to the error, communication-oriented) ⒜ recast(input) - provide well-formed utterance in an unobtrusive way(positive evidence) + n.. 2022. 11. 23.
영어교육론 - Analyses of SLA(1) Analyses of SLA 1. contrastive analysis - explains and predicts problems based on a comparison between L1 and L2 ① strong version - predicts the difficulty before its occurrence ② weak version(cross-linguistic influence) - explains the difficulty after its occurrence, based on recurring errors ③ minimal-pair practice - mechanical/meaningful minimal pair drills ④ limits - it only covers interfere.. 2022. 11. 22.
영어교육론 - Theories/models of second language acquisition(3) * Explicit / Implicit - technical term과 general term으로 나누어 볼 수 있다 1. Technical term - Byalystok's implicit and explicit model ① explicit knowledge - know about language, the ability to articulate, declarative knowledge(언어의 형태나 표면적인 특징에 관해 설명할 수 있는 지식) ② implicit knowledge - how to use language, the ability to produce, procedural knowledge ③ automatization(proceduralization) - interface position(.. 2022. 11. 22.
영어교육론 - Theories/models of second language acquisition(2) * Swain's output hypothesis - input도 중요하지만 output 또한 중요하다. (Krashen을 비판하면서 등장 2) 1. comprehensible output - language produced by the learners that can be understood by others 2. pushed output - the output that reflects what learners can produce(self-repair) and what learners acquired when they are pushed to use language accurately(pushing). + the functions of (pushed) output - pushing을 받은 뒤에 “내 .. 2022. 11. 21.
영어교육론 - Theories/models of second language acquisition(1) * Krashen's Input hypothesis 1. comprehensible input - contains one step more advanced than the current stage of learner's inter-language 2. affective filter - the best acquisition occurs in environment where anxiety is low and defensiveness absent 3. natural order - the acquisition of grammatical structure follows a predicative natural order 4. monitor - learnt knowledge only works as a monitor.. 2022. 11. 21.
뇌파에 대한 모든 것 - 뇌파를 이용해 불면증, 우울증을 해결하고 집중력과 창의력을 향상시킬 수 있다?? 뇌파란 뇌신경들이 서로 신호를 전달할 때 발생하는 전기 흐름을 의미합니다. 그래서 뇌파는 뇌의 기능을 나타내는 중요한 생체 정보를 나타내고 있죠. 뇌파는 Hz(헤르츠)라는 진동수를 단위로 하고 있으며 뇌전도(EEG) 검사를 통해서 측정할 수 있습니다. 따라서 지속적으로 특정 진동수를 우리 귀를 통해 뇌로 전달해준다면 우리는 우리의 뇌를 원하는 형태로 변화시키고 준비시킬 수 있습니다. 뇌파는 뇌 활동 상태에 따라 크게 여섯 가지로 나뉩니다. 델타파, 세타파, 알파파, SMR, 베타파, 감마파 1. 델타파는 4Hz 범위 이하의 주파수를 나타내며 중심주파수는 1.3Hz입니다. 대뇌 피질이 활동을 멈추는 깊은 수면 시에 지배적으로 나타납니다. 델타파 상태일 때 뇌는 막대한 치료 성장 호르몬을 분출합니다. 다만,.. 2022. 10. 20.
좋은 글귀 모음 - (논어) 어떻게 살 것인가 마음의 성장을 완성하는 세 가지 큰 돈을 벌었다는 이야기에 판단력과 냉정함을 잃지 않는 것 극복해야할 난국에는 목숨을 걸고 맞설 각오를 하는 것 오래전에 나눈 약속이라도 잊지 않고 반드시 행하는 것 세월의 깨달음 내 나이 열다섯에, 사람의 마음이 성장하기 위해서는 배워야 한다는 것을 깨달았다. 서른 살이 되어서는 인생의 방향이 겨우 보이기 시작했다. 마흔 살쯤에는 인생의 목표가 확고해짐에 따라 망설임이 사라졌다. 쉰 살에는 '내 인생은 혼자만의 것이 아닌 타인을 위한 것이기도 하다'는 사명감을 갖게 되었다. 예순이 되니 나와 다른 인생관을 가진 사람을 만나도 '이런 삶의 방식도 있구나'라고 이해하며 반하지 않게 되었다. 그리고 일흔이 되자 나의 욕망이 타인에게 전혀 피해를 주지 않게 되었다. 그래서 원하.. 2022. 10. 5.


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